
She does kind of have “walk of shame hair” in the same way Bannon always looks like he woke up on a park bench with a thin residue of vomit on his lips.

For real. Racists calling the most elegant First Lady to date an “ape in heels”, and yet here we have a high ranking staffer crouching like an actual ape on the Oval Office furniture.

I’m sort of with you on this, but I think maybe she’s just crushing on the Cheeto Bandito, because she’s way too old for him. And I think he’s turned off by self-possessed women. I think he’s probably looking for a mistress fresh from high school. Probably a Florida high school.

If she had it filled and a darker color laid down, with regular treatments it might be fine. It just always looks like...end of the night hair.

Both heels are up her ass. That said, remember how Reagan made a big deal of never being in the oval office without a suit jacket? He thought the room deserved the utmost respect, comfort be damned. The same people who love him for that have nothing to say about this. Because they don’t actually stand for anything.

JESUS!!! Why did you have to put that mental image in my head?!? 🤢

I never thought of this, because GRROSSSSS but what else could explain why she’s still there after being such a dimwitted liability? His “advisor”...riiiight.

Fried from too much peroxide. A hairstylist would tell her to chop it all off, lay off the hair dye and make an attempt to grow healthy hair.

I truly believe that Kellyanne and the Saffron Shitgibbon are Doing It.

Her hair makes me angry.

My face reading this:

Yes. But don’t forget - Obama is black.

The maniacs of this nation went all in on Michelle Obama for daring to wear a sleeveless dress and then we have this. Ugh. Just. Ugh.

She did not remove her shoes. You can see the stiletto heel denting the back cushion in the first photo.

She’s hatching an egg. Leave her alone. Lizard people don’t replenish themselves.

Meh, those sofas are all going to have to be burned out back when the next president moves in anyhow, too many stains from spray tanner and fast good already anyhow.

Didn’t Obama catch a whole bunch of shit for putting his feet on the desk (even though countless other presidents did it)?