
For a 79 and 76 year old, respectively, to be squabbling over BS like who gets to read the winner reinforces the narrative that Hollywood “stars” are petty and immature. (Although I guess no one ever said they weren’t.)

When you’ve been fighting with Warren Beatty over who gets to announce the Best Picture winner and you think you’ve won the argument but then he knowingly lets you read from the wrong envelope:

What about dressing your two dogs in elf PJs while you wear Santa PJs? Asking for a friend.

Here just to say Penn Badgley and Domino Kirke apparently had their wedding reception at the same Brooklyn restaurant I had mine at. This is entirely useless information but my husband doesn’t recognize either name so when I blurted it to him just now I got a blank stare instead. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

[...] and at best you have zero social awareness [...]

Yup. If we complain we might hurt someone’s feelings (which are far more important than our own), be viewed as high-maintenance, get cursed at, or get threatened. All because we don’t want to be touched in a way that the offender wouldn’t think to touch a male colleague.

When the people who genuinely don’t mean to cause discomfort do it, people tell them to stop, and they stop.

Women are not only more likely to experience physical contact but we’re also expected to accept it without complaint.

Yes, women are very much more frequently touched without our consent. We are socialized that way from a very young age and it is so ubiquitous and frequent that many women never even mention the times they are touched and it makes them uncomfortable, especially when we know it will seem innocuous to others. If we

Why yes, it sure does seem that way, doesn’t it.

Men who think that they’re entitled to women’s bodies and react negatively when that entitlement is threatened are the worst.

Hmmm. This is strange because it’s just my nature to kick interior department directors in the testicles. WEIRD.

Ugh, fuck off with the “I didn’t intend to make anyone uncomfortable” or “I didn’t realize I was making anyone uncomfortable” bullshit. In my experience these people know exactly what they are doing and it is definitely intentional. They get off on dancing the line and watching you squirm and weigh just how much of a

Never forget.

he “acknowledged touching the employees but said that was in his nature and that he had not meant to make anyone uncomfortable.”

The likelihood you have that sort of mutual-hugging relationship with all the women in your office (and none of the men) is practically zero, and at best you have zero social awareness, and at worst (and most likely) you’re a sex pest who makes everyone shiver.

“I’m automatically attracted to beautiful women — I just start kissing them, it’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ‘em by the pussy.”

I wonder if he had to go to an analrapist to sort out his feelings from this horrible case of bullying. Boston’s not too far from CT...

Describing his appearance as ‘threadbare’ is perfect.

I don’t know about that. A real asshole serves an actual purpose.