
It’s gonna be okay

When will they acknowledge that their most dedicated supporters are the ones constantly threatening to boycott the party for life? It couldn’t possibly be more obvious than it is.

Yup. You know what the Democratic Party needs more than a shiny candidate who can pass a liberal purity or a central figure that’s exciting to young progressives? A fucking workhorse that will repair the party infrastructure that’s been left to rot over the past 8 years. What happened to the actual party under

If Bernie really gave a shit about the Democratic Party he should have joined and ran for chair.

Uniting against the real threat is what adults should do. Both Perez and Ellison know this to be true. Unfortunately, the last election showed that there are a lot of people with the emotional maturity of toddlers voting or not voting because they didn’t get their own way.

Also, “seriously considering leaving the party” over essentially the support staff, and not because, you know... Your local representative or senate candidates, gubernatorial candidates, or presidential candidates.

Yeah, that line had me shocked. I had to reread it because I was sure that it couldn’t actually say what it said.

In all seriousness I genuinely don’t think there was a huge groundswell of young women and POC begging for EITHER candidate. The head of the DNC is really not usually considered to be this huge a deal or particularly contentious. The candidate that you liked is now deputy head of the DNC. They’re getting along and

I want to star this a million times. Perez will do the day to day organizing while Ellison as “ceremonial” deputy chief will be the firebrand and still keep his seat which is important right now. Revolution goes back to where it started but a sustained social movement will get us progress.

“If there was one minuscule shard of silver lining to take from Trump’s presidency, it was that perhaps this was the particular apocalypse the Democrats needed to reinvigorate its stultified base, one so underwhelmed by Hillary Clinton it largely couldn’t be bothered to vote.”

THANK you. Jesus Christ there are some dramatic people up in here. Everything I’ve read indicates they are extremely similar. Just because Bernie endorsed Ellison doesn’t make Perez Satan incarnate. I quite like Sanders, but he does inspire some rabid followers...

Not actual Democrats, no. Of course not.

Looks at Tom Perez’s record of being a highly-intelligent, public policy-minded civil servant with a record of doing nothing but focusing on civil rights, voting rights, disability rights, unions, labor rights, etc. and then looks at people denouncing him as “the worst” and talking about taking their toys and going

Yeah, I literally don’t give a fuck what Sanders thinks the Democrats should do since he isn’t a damn Democrat. He can get back to being wishy-washy on gun regulations to the detriment of his constituents, lmao.

Meanwhile, back in the world that actually exists, Perez will make a good DNC chair, just like Ellison would have., for a party that had a setback in 2016 but is hardly reduced to ashes.

I look forward to the gnashing of teeth and stomping of feet and spite voting to follow. Surprise: the Liberal Purity Test is alive and well!

Nina Turner, a Sanders surrogate, told the Post’s Dave Weigel that “the future of the Democratic Party will walk away” if Ellison loses.

Are people really going throw the baby out with the bathwater over the Head of the DNC?

I literally had to read your comment several times to try to figure out that you WEREN’T just saying “god forbid we respect the DNC chair.” Because I mean...if you’ll literally leave the party because the guy you liked (which, let’s be honest, a lot of people were fired up about Bc a dude who doesn’t even call himself

I for one am pleased as punch by this decision. Perez has a great record. His work on police accountability, voter rights, and unions has been steadfast for decades. Just because he wasn’t Sander’s first pick doesn’t mean he’s evil (or as the kids like to incorrectly say today “neoliberal”).