
Gay and trans republicans like Caitlyn and Peter Thiel enrage me.

Which is why it annoyed me to no end when the media crowned her the greatest LGBT role model of the century.

“He tells it like it is, but he doesn’t mean what he says.”

I would never wish violence on her, but honestly she needs to go to a deep red state and just walk around so she can really see what it’s like for most trans people. She wanted to be a trans ambassador, she shouldn’t be speaking to trans people on behalf of the republicans she needs to talk to republicans on behalf

I know a guy who was a gay vegan who voted for Trump because “I’m tired of career politicians” who is now shocked that he is rolling back GLBTQ and animal rights. He said “He doesn’t believe what he says, he used to be a Democrat, he just says stuff to rile up the base, once he’s in he’ll be even more liberal than

I do not understand all these Trump supporters who suddenly seem surprised and betrayed that he’s racist, xenophobic, sexist, transphobic, etc. Really? What did you think, he was a Planned Parenthood supporter, and GLAAD or PFLAG member? It’s baffling. Or worse the people who said, “He won’t really do all that stuff

How can any Trump voter call Hillary a liar and not spontaneously combust from the sheer, blinding hypocrisy of their words?

She could also use a public bathroom in Texas next month. Or, Indiana, N Carolina... maybe try it twice so she knows certainly how they feel about her outside blue states. Perhaps that will open her eyes. She lived 60 some years with the privilege of a white male jock/ celeb, and she doesn’t understand why it doesn’t

And of course the eternal disdain for a strong woman in charge, a likely kajillion more Benghazi hearings, and the never ending screeches about “Emails”!

I’ve seen people blow through their stock of credibility and goodwill faster than she did, but not very many and not very often.

Not to mention complete sentences and more than 30 hours of work a week.

Things you knew you were going to get with Hillary: Equal rights, respect, the protection of the government. Quelle horreur.

So very Republican, such a complete lack of empathy. “It’s fine that you cut those lazy poor peoples’ health care and deport families that have been here for decades, but do something that affects ME? I’M OUTRAGED!”

Who cares about working towards dismantling public education, ensuring that women have no control over their reproductive rights, denying climate change, once again polluting the lands of Native Americans, encouraging antisemitism, and lying in bed with a dictator? Now its about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

I love that she thought her support of Trump would somehow sway the LGBTQ community to rally behind him, and how she now thinks her disapproval for Trump’s conduct would cause Trump to change course.

With Hillary, you pretty much know what you’re gonna get with the LGBT community.

Oh, shut the fuck up, Caitlyn.