
Floorgasm, please consider leaving your marriage right now. Abuse only gets worse - no couples therapy can fix this. You and your child deserve a peaceful life without fear and anxiety.

Research the person well and don’t rush into kids after the wedding is about all the due diligence anyone can reasonably do.

It’s not good for you to be miserable and really not good for your kid to see you miserable, unloved, or treated badly. I stayed for 10 years for my kid. I really wish I had left sooner because she is so much happier with us apart and she was really damaged by the dysfunction she lived in. Best of luck to you.

My immediate reaction was, “he looks great!”.

John Travolta should stick with the gray wig. It’s actually an improvement over his usual black lacquered version.

THANK YOU. This thread was driving me crazy when everyone was throwing around credit when they meant deduction. A credit would actually be helpful; the Trump plan just helps people who can already afford childcare.

Tax deductions disproportionately benefit higher-income households because most middle-income households and pretty much all low-income households get more back from taking the standard deduction than from itemizing.

But it actually gives more of a break to wealthy families.

It’s explained in the linked Boston Globe article.

In Miami. They caught him visiting Jackson Memorial Hospital. He came home to teach a class at FIU tonight, instead of going to the townhall in Tampa.

as another commenter said, there’s a difference between reimbursing someone after the fact for their child care or just giving a subsidy up front to pay for it

Goddamn the mental gymnastics needed to say that the trans bathroom isssue should be left to the states but somehow MARIJUANA needs to be federally-regulated! The hypocrisy is maddening.

The National Women’s Law Center is my go-to for issues related to the benefits of child care tax credits.

I signed as Jeb Bush.

Meanwhile, numerous Republicans continued to avoid townhalls by hiding. Take Marco Rubio, for example. He went to France and Germany to talk to people about “Russian aggression in Europe,” but was unable to identify who he met or where he went.

I’d like to point out that this is 45's second attempt to poll on this subject, since the first time, (and I quote) “mainstream media outlets have viciously attacked it... and thousands of democrats have taken it to try to sabotage the results” according to the email he sent out to his mailing list.

Why are all the questions listed as “1.”

Hey friends,

She’s the defacto “first lady”. (Melania’s job is “hausfrau”).

Ivanka Trump, champion of women, met with members of the House and Senate to push a $500 million child care tax benefit program.