
They all kept leaving the firm, then rejoining, then leaving. Alicia ran for States Attorney but had to withdraw from the race because of politics. Eli professed his love for her, and she did not return it. Peter got indicted again for tainting an investigation, and was revealed he had an affair with one of his

imagine being a somewhat powerful, or at least noteworthy, person and being killed by someone WEARING AN LOL shirt?!? like come on, I don’t believe in god but if I did I would have no doubt he had a sick sense of humor not unlike my own.

The funny thing is, much of what he has is inherited wealth. I think his grandfather was rich too, so he’s not that nouveau riche; he just acts like it. He makes the Beverly Hillbillies look like paragons of class and good breeding.

It is stuff right out of movies and TV shows. Because that is the frame of reference Kim Jong Un has, he isn’t some well trained military mind. He is a mean, spoiled, rich kid that has never worked for anything in his life and got handed the keys to a dictatorship.

What a strange (yet compelling) episode of Black Mirror this is turning out to be.

Based on my overall opinion regarding others’ stupidity.....yeah, probably.

The perfect self-cleaning op, the assassin is also the patsy. Complete deniability.

That’s what I was thinking, this is so brilliant on so many levels. Ok, aside from the ‘this is horrible don’t do this’ obviousness... but you have the ‘so many degrees of separation’ from the actual scene going for you, AND you have the built in ‘the participants are inherently calm (showing no fear or doubt)’ facet

They’re trying to get into streaming and they’re using shows with large built in fanbases to do it. Trekkies and Good Wife fans. Also I’d like to the point out The Good Wife did well it didn’t do amazing numbers. It was more of a critical success, though I personally loved it.

Why is it that any story remotely connected to Kim Jong Un (or North Korea tbh) is completely bonkers?

That’s . . . actually a really brilliant plot.

Actually, they’ve been shunning him for decades——I think it’s a huge part of the reason why he’s been overleveraging himself and getting in really deep debt, because he’s been trying to keep up with the Jones in NYC and they keep snubbing him, no matter how much money he makes. He keeps trying to win them over to no

“Murder, He tweeted”

Under our New Supreme Benevolent Dear Leader Trump, nothing seems ridiculous to me anymore. Like, nothing at all, ever anymore. I’m scared.

It’s the LOL shirt that gets me every time.

C’mon, former Jezebel Editor, Erin Gloria Ryan! You knew what you were doing.

Does anyone want the spoil the last one or two seasons of The Good Wife for me? I stopped watching when Archie Panjabi was forced off the show.

Was already planning to watch — especially with Baranski and Cush — but even more eager now at the prospects of more Elsbeth.

Of course, this all means nothing if you’re not willing to pony up the $5.99 a month for CBS All Access where the series will air exclusively. If you’re still not sold, the The Good Fight premieres Sunday, February 19 at 8 pm on CBS proper, with future episodes released on Sundays for subscribers.

The schadenfreude here looks absolutely delicious: The actual rich people shunning him and having precisely zero respect for him must be absolutely *killing* him.