
To me, it just smacks of trying too hard. Why would I want to a) give more money to already rich people and b) wear clothing “designed” by someone whose chief claim to fame is being the daughter of a tacky real estate developer?

I’m sure if Obama did that no one would have any objections.

Her lawyer tried to back peddle that stating Melania would never seek to profit off of her position, and yet THAT IS WHAT IS STATED IN THE COMPLAINT.

Yesterday, when Jake Tapper asked Kellyanne Con(way) why Dipshit Donald hasn’t tweeted on the white terrorist in Quebec, she responded that he doesn’t tweet about everything. Then today we get this FFS.

I’m still waiting for a competent physician to examine him. If he was my father I wouldn’t let him go shopping by himself let alone run a country.

So all his tweets are retweeted to the @POTUS account. And there it is. The President of the United States is using his platform (bully pulpit) to call out a business for making a business decision adverse to the financial interests of a family member. Put another way, this is a PUBLIC SERVANT using his PUBLIC

Like all Republicans, Trump favors businesses being free to do as they choose, answerable only to market forces.

The tweet was sent by iPhone, indicating someone else (Ivanka???) sent it on behalf of Trump, who typically tweets from his unsecured Android phone.

And according to a Huffington Post report published Tuesday, Trump recently called his national security advisor at 3 am with a pressing question he needed answered—is a strong or weak dollar better for the economy?

So she’s the CEO of Trump Fuckery, Inc.

Seriously, what fucking planet is Donald Trump from? I don’t recall ever witnessing the erratic blathering and pointless finger-pointing by anybody - and this includes kids and the elderly.

Oh my... she is the one pushing him to do good... so this means she is the brain behind in the let’s-fuck-all-america operation.

Goebbels Barbie!!!

Decimation is in the eye of the beholder. At least 62 million Trump voters look at this as an attack by the biased liberal media on a good conservative woman who made a mistake and admitted it.

The media needs to stop giving her a platform. The only possible response to Gobbels Barbie here is screaming “fuck you” loud enough to drown her out. She’s nothing but propaganda kept upright by six inches deep pancake makeup and contempt for all living beings.

I mean, let’s be honest, any network that invites her on or agrees to have her on does so with the explicit hope that she’ll lie on air and they can gain clicks by calling her out on it.

By putting her back on the air all they are doing is validating alternative facts. They should blacklist her if she lacks credibility. I believe the colloquialism is, “Don’t feed the troll.”

J.K. Rowling isn’t fucking around.