
Don’t forget this gem:

He’ll do it like the Republican primary debates. He’ll demand apologies from everyone in the media for mistreating him, and he’ll also demand that his team gets to plan the event. He’ll probably throw in some kind of wager or sweetener to donate some absurd amount of money to charity if they cave to him, which of

I’ve tried to forget my many mistakes from the 90s....

Dick Cheney and the Koch Brothers oppose the Muslim ban. DICK CHENEY and the KOCH BROTHERS think something is reprehensible. I would think that would be enough to make anyone question their life choices.

Can they invite Obama to her dinner? That would be the trolliest troll a troll ever trolled.

He’ll say he’s too busy fixing America, he’ll find a way to be overseas or he’ll just outright say he doesn’t want to reward the fake media. He definitely won’t leave himself open to roasting.

Haha definitely. The only reason I knew that is because of how Scotland reacted to his visit during the campaign, lol. They definitely would prefer him to be anything else as well.

In my dreams, the dinner is not cancelled, all the usual people are invited and everyone accepts. Then, the morning of the day of the event, everyone not from Fox News cancels because they all “have the flu”.

Shit, you’re correct!

Trump is Scottish and German/Bavarian, not Irish. Still ok with boiling him though.

“I hope they play all their hit.”

A few days ago, a colleague and I were openly wondering what excuse Trump would give to weasel out of attending. If it does go on, I would love, love, love for the “celebrity dates” to be his most powerful Republican critics: the Koch Brothers, Evan McMullin, McCain, Graham— just to fuck with him.

NOPE. She’s ours. We took Bieber and Ted Cruz. WE NEED THIS OK.

I think this is time for the long con. We need some comedian, any comedian to be willing to kiss Cheetolini’s ass for a few months, get invited to the WHCD and then just rip him a new one.

When they went to the inauguration? Dead.


My hope is that Sam’s Dinner gets more media coverage, viewership, and star-studded attendance.

God, I love Samantha Bee. That is all.