
Well, I never watch award shows. I simply don’t give a shit.

Oops, was supposed to go in the first post.

McTurtle said it’s best to let this play out in the courts, and that religious tests were probably a bad idea. So basically not my problem, c’est la vie. Meanwhile Priebus said they’d make no apologies for the ban.

Yep. The few who are saying something aren’t actually doing anything, and those who can do something about it aren’t saying anything.

McCaine certainly has a lot to say about how wrong this is. Curiously, he hasn’t said a thing about what he’s actually going to do about it.

The overall Republican silence regarding all of this is deafening.

It features an orange clownfish...he probably just thought the movie was about him. And got excited when Bannon told him it starred a lesbian.

Isn’t this movie about a family trying to reunite?

Why do I suddenly picture Trump clapping in an exaggerated way on top of his blankie?

Bannon would just keep writing them.

This is Trump. Unlike Nero, I’m fairly certain he can’t play the fiddle.

Mommy Conway must have put it in so he could settle down for his nap.

If only we could get him to only watch kids movies, and stop issuing executive orders.

I know. Neither is this.

Taylor Swift is definitely attractive. But there isn’t a single bit of her that says “SEX” to me.

When it comes to videos about famous people problems, give me Lucky by Britney Spears, or give me nothing. Everything else can GTFO.

I assume they both fall asleep

Remember in the movie when whatshername told Christian to give her the worst he had, and he spanked her just 5 times?

I think the director said “Hey Taylor, show us what you think porn looks like.” And she did... this.