
I had to set some idiot straight who was whining about the ‘vulgar’ signs when we were ‘soooo upset’ about Menace saying ‘pussy’.

They are playing that backwards, just as a note. She was smiling as he talked to him...he turned around, and her face dropped like a stone.

Well, if you would have taken that $5 and invested it in a 30-year T-bond back in 1990, you would already have $13. You have no one to blame but yourself for wasting all that money! /s

That is quite possible the most unnatural process of a frown turning into a smile that I have ever seen. It’s almost like you can see her mind thinking “Now smile. Smile wider. Show more teeth. Beauty pageant smile. Good. Well done, Melania. You get two diamond bracelets for this.”

Also, I got my ears pierced at Claire’s when I was young and I’m pretty sure it was free if you buy inexpensive earrings from them to wear.

Shouldn’t he be happy all us fatties were out walking?

Yes, it’s getting my ears pierced 30 years ago that is the problem. SMH

Seriously, I’m as liberal as they come and the only time I’ve ever heard about George Soros is coming from some right-winger’s fever dream. I guess I missed the part about signing up for his email blasts when I sold my soul to become a liberal.

And guess what...

“When your state receives the most federal money and yet you still rank lowest on health, education, wealth and equality, your backwards policies are not only hypocritical but a complete failure.”

*/engage smiling protocol

I’ve always felt like men who consider “fat” to be the ultimate insult to a woman do it because they consider fat women unattractive and the worst thing you can be to a man is a woman he doesn’t want to have sex with.

You are totally right.

I hate arguments like that - how can you afford to do THIS when you want us to pay for THIS, because it just baffles me. I know the problem is that I view birth control as a basic healthcare need while this toad thinks it’s a luxury, but it’s still a concept I can barely wrap my head around - like the idea that poor

Lovely Jewish conspiracy for them to cling to. Far-reaching rich shadowy Jews trying to destabilize them!

My IUD (got it in Austin, TX) cost $1300. I got the invoice from BCBS. Thanks to Obamacare, I didn’t even have to pay a copay for my visit. I dunno how much posters cost. $1 each?

Leaving the protest on Saturday, I said “So next week, same time, same place?”

almost all liberal women are unhappy

Yeah, they’re feeling the heat. Let’s keep it up, folks.

I wonder how many signs you would have to make to equal the cost of an IUD.