
LOL that’s bad. Why do people think that’s a good way to apply for a job? is not going to get called for an interview.

The employee turned out to be very nice and responsible, so he was right. I’m just an old curmudgeon who has no patience for cutesy email names :)

Also I’m an Olympic Hurdler & Bobsledder.

Ha! My husband got an application from an email address that was something like, and I was appalled, but he hired the person! He thought it was funny.

Is that the secret your pubes are whispering?

So true. Childbirth is far more “icky” (not to mention dangerous and hard on a woman’s body) than an abortion.

Shawn Booth and Kaitlyn Bristowe are “sleeping in separate beds,” because their “romance is a lie.” Also because Edward Scissorhands poked a hole in their waterbed with his scissorfinger, thereby rendering it unusable.

Yeah, the guest should definitely have reached out soon after the wedding to explain and apologize, but the couple so vastly trumped her rudeness with their own that I’m giving her a pass.

It seemed like the guest didn’t know the bride very well (because she had no way to contact her to say she wasn’t coming), so maybe she didn’t know other guests and didn’t want to go alone.

Is this sarcasm? I honestly can’t tell.

If Baker didn’t tell the couple about her last-minute absence, that is indeed uncool.

Also, they basically ARE self-sustaining, in that they do not receive government “funding,” they receive Medicaid payments in exchange for services rendered. The government is not handing PP wads of cash for free, it is paying them for their services to Medicaid recipients, just like a private insurance program would.

Ha! That’s very silly. Yom tov (and shabbos) always starts at sunset, and ends an hour after sunset. Also, there are so many odd customs and good Jewish jokes out there, she really needs to find some better material!

(I at one time believed that the Orthodox had sex through a hole in the sheet. (Probably false.))

:( I escort at a clinic, so I have seen how terrible and intimidating protestors can be, but please don’t let them stop you from accessing healthcare! All they have is words. They cannot touch you, follow you inside/onto private property, or block your access to the clinic, and if they try, ask a clinic staff person

I don’t even own a condo! Am I woman-ing wrong??? HELP ME, A VOICE FOR MEN!!!!

Meh, who cares if someone wears an ill-fitting nurse’s uniform from the 1930s to your wedding? Now the exposed elbows - THAT is a shameful display of whoreishness not to be borne.

I just heard an excellent phrase on the Judge John Hodgman podcast which applies to this situation (and much of current U.S. politics): It is a pointillist portrait of madness.

Ugh they both sound terrible, sorry you are (soon to be) related to these people. I hope alcohol and a toddler will keep them too distracted to do anything really bad at your wedding!

It’s fine to have a few expensive items, as long as there are enough mid- and low-price items to suit everyone’s budget. (I think the rule of thumb is to register for 2x as many items as there are guests, in a range of prices.)