
The same month?! That’s ridiculous. I could see her being a little annoyed if you shared a wedding date (OR it could be a fun thing to celebrate together, if your SIL wasn’t such a sourpuss) but you don’t own the entire MONTH you got married in for all perpetuity. Can her husband talk sense into her?

I found the perfect midwife!

What! Stealing from libraries is terrible. And, as far as “someone else would do it if I didn’t,” tell them to Google the categorical imperative.

she called to ask him if she could buy some dresses at Ann Taylor loft that were on sale for like $60 each. She wouldn’t have been “allowed” to buy this on her own.

1 million stars for submitting an amicus brief to Shade Court. Brilliance.

I was once on an airport shuttle bus driven by a lady who had incredibly long talon nails. She could drive the bus ok, but I spent the whole ride wondering how she wiped her butt.

I am sure that our approval team would have had no idea that this image was of Gov. Brewer.

No, Miracle Day was so bad. Stick with regular Torchwood and pretend MD never happened.

Interesting! I love a bit of harmless gossip, just to catch up on people’s lives and compare notes with a friend. (Harmless gossip IMO = only shared with one or two close friends, no divulging other people’s secrets, no mean trash talk. Light bitchiness is ok.)

Seconding the balsamic dressing recipe request! I’m a vinegar addict.

professional extrovert and roving reporter

Followed the Cumberbatch link, and was gifted with a photo of the most awkwardly half-hearted “smooch” (People’s word, not mine) ever captured on film. It looks like he tripped and fell on her face with his mouth.

I disagree that it’s “harmless” for police officers to have sexist attitudes towards women and foster those attitudes in their workplaces. (Would it be ok if they talked this way when female police officers were around? If not, then it’s probably not ok to say at work!) Also, reconsider your words “it’s only an issue

nvm i was too late, someone else made the joke first

It’s only an issue if you make it an issue.

And he thinks he’s a GREAT cook, but he puts unbelievable amounts of cinnamon in every meat dish.

Oh look, there goes your credit score!

Wow, I didn’t know it had gone up (again!). All the more reason to appreciate a gyno who rescues errant stamps from your vag.

hahaha I like that he offered to retrieve it for her. Thrifty! No need to waste 43 cents.

Color me un-shocked. I remember reading this interview where she said they basically never had sex (actual quote: “Brian doesn’t any intimacy whatsoever”) and I thought it was such a strange thing to say to a magazine, and also probably not a great sign for their marriage.