
I love Reign! It's not meant to be historical realism, and (despite some missteps) it is a network TV show that focuses on women negotiating their friendships, sexuality, and power. Haters to the left.

Or a Lurlene McDaniel book about a beautiful, cancer-stricken teen who just wants to compete in one last horse-jumping contest...Mother, Let Me Ride

saltine cracker of a man

I love this theory! Wes turning out to be a murderer would at least make him semi-interesting.

omg I never made that connection! She's typecast as a murder victim now, poor Rosie/Rebecca.

Yeah, I avoid his "let me tell you how to live" rants about stupid stuff. I'm not reading 1500 words about how some internet dudebro thinks I'm eating the wrong yogurt.

ugh this is beyond insufferable. someone takes himself a mite too seriously...

This is an excellent summation of apartment hunting in DC.

"It was very poorly worded and was incredibly ambiguous, and we didn't realize that"

General fyi: Kosher ≠ blessed by a rabbi

Yeah, enough with the figure skating outfits. It's never a good look.

I'm so obsessed with Diane Kruger's outfit. I want to get married again just so I can wear it to my wedding. Red bridal pantsuit FTW!

I worked at a place with a glass partition that was just high enough to discourage - but not prevent - reaching over. SO MANY customers would ignore me standing behind the counter, waiting to serve them, and just reach over to grab at random items from a platter. I hated it so, so much. Why would anyone ever think

Bag milk is the best! I used to buy regular bagged milk when I lived in Israel, but the real treat is shoko b'sakit (literally: chocolate milk in a bag). So delicious.

Wow, I always assumed it was her fashion trademark (like the haircut), but Wikipedia says it's because of a hereditary eye disease that causes deterioration in vision.

That movie was such a disappointment - for some reason I thought it would be amazing, and I dragged my husband see it with me in the theater. That totally destroyed my movie-picking credibility for a while. (But he just told me that he heard American Sniper was "really good," so I think I'm back in the power position.)

I once wrote a very stern letter to General Mills taking them to task for the sexist Kix slogan, "Kid Tested, Mother Approved." I felt strongly that it should be "Parent Approved" in the interest of parental egalitarianism. I got a very nice form letter back saying that they appreciated my ideas, but those bastards

I thought maybe they detached it and laid it next to the vagina like a hot dog in a bun or something.

This is 100% INCORRECT. In Judaism, women are allowed and encouraged to prepare the deceased for burial, just as men are. In fact, it is considered one of the greatest charitable deeds, because the recipient can never do anything for you in return. Women can attend and speak at funerals, can be pallbearers, and are

I didn't see the Twilight movies, but I did see KStew in Snow White & the Huntsman, and she was terrible. She spent most of her screen time staring blankly ahead with her mouth slightly open. Still, I'd be interested to see the new movie, and I'm sure her talents have grown with time and experience.