
Definitely agree that she is a hypocrite and I vehemently disagree with everything she stands for, but her behavior doesn't make it ok for this dickwad - a notorious racist and misogynist - to opportunistically and falsely position himself as an opponent of slut-shaming, as if he actually gave a crap about women.

Oh I totally forgot about that episode, but you're right! There was another brief reference to it in the Season 4 premiere that just aired. It's great that the show is shining a light on so many of the social issues of the time.

Synopsis: "She slut-shamed other women and then acted like a slut herself, so now I can slut-shame her!!!" Guy needs to sit down, shut up, and MYOB.

I just learned about the British Child Migration scheme (from an episode of Call the Midwife, oddly enough), and it's so incredibly heartbreaking. As you said, similar things happened all over the world. Of course there's no way to correct what was done, but the excavation in Florida is at least a way to give the

I've heard the joke a lot on GT, but somehow I missed the actual event so I never saw the comment thread it came from. It is truly glorious, thank you.

Ugh. It's really depressing that America's horrible anti-choice policies are starting to spread to countries with good policies. This one sounds different than our CPCs, though. CPCs in the US usually offer pre-abortion "services" and lure women in with misleading advertising (pretending to be an abortion clinic), and

I went to grad school with a girl who was adopted, and she said it was a good thing her mom was never pregnant because she was too much of a hypochondriac. It sounds funny, but pregnancy is a crazy experience even for normal people. I'm a control freak who doesn't handle illness/physical discomfort well, so I'm

Never mind, this is idiotic. I shouldn't have replied.

I love it when people get the reference! My favorite Jez comment to date was someone asking me if I'm the gay raccoon that Linda named.

Nothing short of going into labor with joy when you opened the gift would satisfy that control freak.

Yeah, it's gross. I also hate the word "pussy," so the whole terminology is bleh for me.

Yes! Unless a sentient mattress is carrying a student into the SOTU, this headline needs a hyphen.

Haha ok thanks! I have a paranoid fear of becoming the victim of an angry Jez commenter pile-on...

Yes, thank you for clarifying! I only knew of Creole in the French colonial context, but Wikipedia has provided edification. Apparently the word actually originated with Portuguese settlers - which is who colonized Cape Verde - and is applied to multiple peoples who are "fully or partially descended from white

Miss Israeal

This is an incredibly elaborate fantasy, I love it.

You know that ain't coffee in her cup.

Miss Israel is clearly the one holding the camera in the original picture, so Miss Lebanon's "she tooootally wanted pics with me but I shut her down!!!" excuse is not really working. Also, rude.

I was also surprised/confused. In the linked article, she says her family is Creole: