I always thought she was saying "first things first on the release," so I googled it and the top suggested search term was this:
I always thought she was saying "first things first on the release," so I googled it and the top suggested search term was this:
That show should totally be set to porn music.
They're so smarmy! My feeling has always been that they look like Disney princes come to life, and not in a good way. (Totally watch the show, though. HGTV forever!)
But it's not "calling a building religious," it's an actual place of worship. So going in and explicitly flouting the rules (seemingly for the express purpose of creating clickbait headlines about yourself) is really disrespectful. If you don't want to abide by the rules of a place, don't go there. That's pretty much…
My New Year's resolution is to use the phrase "Don't get your balls in an uproar" every single day of this year. 2015, here I come!
You're completely right - the Supreme Court heard oral argument in the case recently, but the decision has not yet been issued. Good background on the case here, for anyone interested in learning more: http://www.scotusblog.com/2014/11/drawin…
Clear glitter. I got it as a birthday present, and it was quite a cherished possession (which is why I remember) (also because it was literally seared into my eyeballs). Now JUDGE FREELY
Then instead of putting it on my eyelids like mayonnaise
I love how this thread about terrible men treating women badly is attracting Nice Guys who are mad that their PUA tricks aren't working. Sorry you failed at being a heinous douche who hurts people? Have fun whining down there in the grays!
I know a guy like this, too! Huge jackass, always pissing people off, but had a loyal following of girls clamoring to date him during college. He wasn't hot, rich, or even nice, but he was (absurdly) self-confident. It's very alluring, especially for young women who are still unsure of themselves and struggling with…
I read it as "just sit on my face," and I was like, "but how does that help with the tardiness issue?" Apparently I need to get my mind out of the gutter. And invest in reading glasses.
Thanks for explaining! I have Prime and a Kindle (I'm assuming this is only for e-books), so I will definitely check it out!
I've never heard of this! How does it work?
Just Googled to see Rupert Everett's new face...damn you, plastic surgery.
Wow, you are really putting my life in perspective here. Lindsay gave the world art, and I have given it naught but snarky internet comments! I need to go and reflect on some things.
Not creepy at all! This is me smiling:
By that measure, literally anything can be privilege. If you have ever spent a penny on something that was not immediately necessary to sustain your life, then you are overprivileged and selfish? Come on. You're diluting the important concept of privilege by stretching it to a ridiculous point.
Women and Women First forever.
I don't watch SNL, so the first time I saw Kate McKinnon was when she impersonated Ellen, and I was like, WHO IS THIS DELIGHTFUL NYPMH. Love her.