
As a reminder, any Sarah Huckabee Sanders jokes are considered uncivil.

Don’t sleep on the fact that it could be they just don’t give a shit about women. 

He was punished how the court saw fit. He has to register as an offender. He will carry this title forever due to him being in the public eye. He is not owed fame and fortune. He isn't not owed your money or your admiration. He publicly smeared the victim and her family by calling them liars, to further his career.

I hate to think of it this way, but part of me must, particularly in light of the Tunsil example:

But why didn’t the man who’s never had to learn his lesson wise up? 

On the plus side he is now leading the league in VURP.

good thing your opinion literally doesn’t matter.

The angry nerds are going to attack Chloe while Hardwick’s comedian and actor friends slowly distance themselves away from the whole situation trying not to give a comment in case this somehow gets swept under the rug. Fuck Chris Hardwick and this horrible entitled nerd culture!

Russia has no interest in cracking down on these hooligans because they form the core supporters for their nationalist tendencies. They are the ultimate distillation of everything that Putin advocates: white and physical prowess, most likely either current or former Russian soldiers or mercenaries. Maybe there will be

Hes accusing one of biggest advocates for the women during this whole shit show of doing it for the money and helping the trial lawyers MANIPULATE the victims. Its a pretty disgusting accusation that he tries to paint in a good light by complaining about how much money the lawyers will make. Its pretty gross.

No, he can fuck right off.

Anthony was a man of humble origins who came to success at a relatively late age. I think he was at his best when he cared to hear the voices of people who were not born to privilege. I miss him.

For the time, Rogers’s treatment of this gay man was remarkable, actually; he did ask him to keep on the clear, but he did it directly, explained his motivations (the show being in stake) and quietly supported him.

I appreciated how Bourdain evolved from the cheeky American asshole in Cook’s Tour to the more respectful “I want to be everyone’s friend” in No Reservations to the “food is just how I talk about the bigger stuff” guy in Parts Unknown. He cut down on the wisecracking (somewhat) and turned into someone who was

God, I hate the Wilpons.

signed: Mets fan

How to Make a Gin & Tonic That Doesn’t Suck

Wait until they’re all in the starting lineup for the Mets this August. THEN the fun really begins.

Bless your heart.

The other campfire dessert thing is banana boats, which are bananas sliced lengthwise, stuffed with marshmallows and chocolate and then wrapped in foil and put near the campfire until melty. They’re always disappointing because the banana doesn’t cook enough. And the ratio of banana to other stuff is too high. But you