
Because it deserves to brushed off. Get over yourselves and download the damn launcher if you want your game.

I’m beginning to wonder if perhaps it isn’t the healthiest thing in the world for people to wrap their entire identity and core of their being around the act of consumption of a specific product.

I’m just taking a stab in the dark that these self described Gamers™ and Consumers™ would probably benefit from backing

See, I don’t understand it when people try to defend a quarterback’s lousy performances by saying that some of the games were played against competent football teams, and there was some inclement weather.

Jeter never called or corresponded with either in any way, and indeed to this very day neither have heard from Jeter directly

What do Tim Tebow and Johnny Manziel have in common?

That seems logical, but given the whole movie was a commentary on #fakenews and that people don’t logic any more (since the rise of birtherism, at least) that wouldn’t be convincing to everyone.

“clear cash grab”

Eeverything the Mets’ front office does is built around having scapegoats in place. Look at this past weekend. Callaway looks like an asshole, Jeff Wilpon gets to descend from the heavens and gush about how sorry the team is and how rude this was, and the NY media focuses on how much Callaway sucks both as a person

Texans fans are insufferable - FIFY

If the league has guidelines and the athlete in question follows the guidelines, then who cares? It’s their league, they make the rules, and the rules were followed. Seems pretty simple to me. So, the logical conclusion is that people have some other reason for having a problem with this athlete competing according to

You buried the lede: there actually is an ESPN “the Cinco”?

Mediocre Western Conference teams get pantsed most nights, lose 50 games and earn tons of lottery balls. Mediocre Eastern Conference teams are in the mix for the eight seed.

Caster Semenya is intersex, not trans. She has never said so openly but the court ruling last week only applies to intersex athletes so it’s basically publicly acknowledging she’s intersex without saying so directly. 

[Endgame Spoilers Included]

Donald Trump is trash. Everyone who supports and voted for him are trash and I hope they spend the rest of eternity stepping on Legos in Hell.

Yet more indisputable evidence that everyone who voted for this clown is either an idiot, an asshole, or both.  There is no other possibility.  

I’d disagree. The Banner we see prior to Endgame is always twitchy, haunted, looks like he’s walking on eggshells. He’s got very little confidence in anything but science. The Professor we see in Endgame is open, friendly, affable - he’s got the aspects of Hulk’s personality that we saw more in Ragnarok than anywhere

My immediate rationalization for the Mysterio situation is this: Mysterio is a bad guy that claims to be a good guy. Fury, smelling something isn’t quite right with him, pretends to believe Mysterio’s story but also brings in somebody he can trust to work alongside Mysterio (Parker). Fury doesn’t tell Parker about his

And if he did, what are you doing dating 17 year old girls, Gabe?