
Phil would have better weed.

* Please do not be alarmed. We are about to engage... The Nozzle.

The point is that Elon Musk either didn’t know he was dog whistling, in which case he’s severely lacking in his understanding of media history and context for someone who wants to criticize the industry, or he did know he was dog whistling. Either way it was very bad.

The majority of people upset over the “disrespect” shown by not standing for the anthem also proudly fly the Confederate flag next to the Stars and Stripes.... So let’s grade their anger on the idiotic curve it deserves.

I think it’s key to remember that Donald Trump has the sensibilities of a six year old in 1985, and definitely worries about the things they would worry about. Glasses are uncool. Squeezing the fake tits on a blonde woman are definitely the height of success. Dinner should be fried chicken. Put your name on

This is exactly why he’s so eager to forgive Jeffery Tambor and insist that Tambor gets 2000 second chances. Because Bateman wants to make sure that he also gets alllll those chances because he knows his own behavior is also a piece of shit that no one’s just happened to step on yet.

Why? Because (A) Lebron is the GOAT, (B) his struggle to achieve success in life despite being surrounded by helpless nimrods is depressingly analogous to the life that each of us live each day and (C) watching Boston sports teams lose is perhaps the greatest joy imaginable.

Would love to see something like this on the NHL’s other colossal failure of the 70s - the Kansas City Scouts. Pretty sure most people have no idea that Kansas City briefly had an NHL (and NBA) team at one point.

Once Donatello died in the OG NES TMNT game it was time to restart the game.

It must be such a relief for all those lifelong Las Vegas Knights fans to dunk on all the haters and doubters. God knows they’ve had to endure so much!

At least with Season 6 they can get Daisy in more of a position to take command. Because it is true that she might need a bit more time to reach her full potential. However if Mace was allowed to do the job through apparently very little training maybe there aren’t that many qualifications.

-Man, I really felt for Elena in that opening scene. And then May just making the decision with no hesitation. Stunning.

From the article: Nichols was not so naive as to put his banana on Twitch sans protection. There was a language filter in place, but the GGX gang figured out how to trick it.

Springsteen always gets a pass on things because of his working class, Blue collar image which mainly non-working class boomers love to glom onto so they can pretend they’re down with blue collar people too.

Counterpoint: Public shaming may be the tool most appropriate to change not only his behavior, but that of the next racist.

Matthew Vaughn’s grimy, under-appreciated Kick Ass

Jesus wept. I’m white and I don’t put raisins in anything. Raisins are fucking nasty.

And now we know...the rest of the story.

The tragicomic Long Island weirdos that own the Mets are the last holdouts in this not-so-proud tradition, and they have never missed an opportunity to carp about the players they pay.

As somebody who grew up in an extremely rural area, I can tell you with 100% certainty that most of the folks he is targeting would happily starve their entire family if it meant that even one minority was insulted or inconvenienced in any way. The psychological wage is indeed very real.