Little Black Coupe Turned Silver

You do realize that was their price when new, 5-odd years ago, right?

Because the Cobalt has won races too?

Go kart track, paddock and the area between 5 and 13. Three stations. Two autox and a speed stop.

What little snow there is is rapidly turning to slush.

Road America has a winter autox event going on right now. I'm out here in my daily with snows!

Which would mean the LNF was better to start with, which means it wasn't as shitty, no?

Better diffs?

Yes... It held the FWD 'Ring record for some time.

See, that's where you are wrong.

Everyone is going to say the Cobalt SS Turbo. I'm going to say the Cobalt SS Supercharged.

Hehehehehe! I feel I've said this before, but this is why he's my favorite driver.

You must be new to Jordan Taylor... His Instagram sorta exists for him to show off his shenanigans.

11-20%... No. I know you guys hate FWD, but no. I also cheated and went with my HP, as opposed to stock, but still.

I think they start at either 34 or 36.

Lane Bryant (or whatever their bra line is...) will put out a decent swim collection sized by larger bra sizes. Maybe it's out already, dunno.

You know what people like more? Events not being shut down.

This is fantastic. FWD FTW!

Yeah, when I was living in Chicago I spent three years getting Chinese for Christmas, because it's just me and my parents now, and there was just no way we had the energy/space to put on a whole spread in my tiny Chicago apartment sized kitchen.

There's a shop/team who is often at track days with me who have two Newfoundlands. They are the best, and I always make a point of going over to see them, generally a couple times over the course of the weekend. Do they count?

I'm guessing it depends on the event and the skill level of the participants. There's a car track day organized by a certain group that I will never attend, because they put in a chicane in a spot that can be flat out dangerous.