Little Black Coupe Turned Silver

I think co-driving would be fascinating, but I know I get tongue tied too easily.

I don't know of any... More and more track days are going to a self-tech, they don't even look at your car. You sign the papers that your car is good to go, and it's on you.

Same... I need something for track days a little more serious than the Chuck Taylors I've been rocking.

I'm confused how by 9pm, he had already worked 9 hours, while also (in theory) going to school that day since it was a Wednesday... So if they stayed 2 hours past 9, that puts him at like an 11 hour shift.

Yeah, I have a friend who waits until he's ate his sushi, and then he eats the pickled ginger and wasabi on their own, for "dessert". It like he doesn't notice what he's eating, no sign that it's hot.

This is just because the Hellcat is new and hard to find. Wait 6 months when all the dealers have a good supply of them, and there won't be any markups like this happening.

Sounds about right for Naperville...

Except it's Mercedes. It's standard practice to get some other Mercedes as your loaner, not some standard rental car, so yes, he did expect to get that. Also, since the dealer flat out said they weren't giving him one because of his dog, they shot themselves in the foot on that one.

The 10-o-clock news had a blurb on after it was done about how a "local man" was a Lost Boy... dude was indeed at least 25.

You are my hero!

Did no one else catch the little during the commercials scene with Hook and a couple pirates in the dingy, with Hook just singing one single note the whole time? That might have been the best part.

Man, props went all out on that fancy comb.

And then they tapdanced.

These pirates. My god. I can't.

Unless there are characters named #1 and #2, it still isn't giving much away...

But it just says character #1 and #2? That really isn't that bad... Yesterday they straight up said who died on Sons of Anarchy in the headline.

I've never watched this show, but just want to say thank you for properly handling the spoilers. Unlike what happened yesterday with the Sons of Anarchy article, which I'm still annoyed about.

Right? All the articles about SOA before have only been about Jax's butt.

No, quote her exactly. "Yup, CATCH THE FUCK UP."

You must have missed her reply, and I quote "CATCH THE FUCK UP." She doesn't care.