yellow bird

Yeah, no, she's not a "poor thing" in my eyes. My sympathy is reserved for her kids and the now-18 year old that her new boyfriend orally raped as an 8 year old.

She is endangering her children. That is what is making me call her scum, not the trashiness, not the mayonnaise baths or whatever other nonsense.

So, can all the people who defend Mama June as being a "good mother" STFU now? She took back the molester of her own child family member. When she has a child around the same age.

I'm going to be blunt.

Little boobs are rad, your little boner isn't.

I think it's okay to have a preference for dicks that are not small and further I don't really give a rat's what your penis thinks about small boobs or the fact that this was posted on Jez and there is no counterpart about gaping vaginas. Women are told by everyone and their mother both directly and indirectly that

God, I love boobies.

No, you ignorant twerp. I'm not sure if you're trolling or what, but no. In my view, feminism supports the right of those with boobs to display those boobs as they see fit — if that means strapping them down flat, fine. If that means a boob window, fine. On the other hand, if you're operating under the assumption that

First of all, you claim to be some sort of science-based individual. Thanks for your sample size of one, completely detached from context, circumstance, or experience. Applet, independent, exploring, rambunctious adventurer that he is, was unrestrainable at ten weeks - climbed out of his baby rocker. at 16 weeks he

I have no idea what you do or don't know; I can only respond to what you write :)

You still have your husband though.

Meh. I agree with a lot of PortraitOfMmeX's comment. But the smaller issue of ED medication unavailability is nowhere near comparable to the MASSIVE unavailability of those horrendous whore pills known as hormonal birth control, which, as MmeX accurately points out, have far more medical applications than just

Nobody cares about your boner.

You're right, they are a medication like any other, designed to address a physical problem affecting one's quality of life.

Crop dusting is the most Christian revenge. You should always turn the other cheeks.

Seriously, fuck that last family. I would have done every unsanitary thing possible to their meals short of giving them e coli, and even then I would consider it.

I had sex ed in second grade and we learned proper terminology, but there weren't cookies involved. I feel cheated now.

"Awwww.... that was my last clean shirt!" That's my last clear memory of the day I gave birth to my twins.

Since this literally just happened to me and I'm recovering from a c-section after being discharged yesterday, I'm sort of vicariously excited to see what other people went through.