yellow bird

right back 'atcha

You're right gonzo. There's totally not enough dudes on the internet letting us know what makes their boners happy. Thanks for clearing that up.

why are you defending douche bro up there?

I admit it. I brought my 6 week old to my father's show in a cafe. Obviously a very different situation. Considering there was one small amp. She slept soundly when I wasn't (breast!) feeding her and was happily passed around by my family. I was worried that maybe this would be too much for a 6 wo. I was reassured by

I am pretty anal about my contact lens cleaning and wear. I have never felt so good about a decision in my life. I had a college friend ask me how often I changed my contact lens SOLUTION since she did it every few days. "Um, EVERY FUCKING DAY YOU GROSS HUMAN" I want to post this to her FB wall.

I imagine you were giddy when you found those first two stories.

I'm not sure if this is really any different than placing stimulators along the spine to stimulate nerves that are causing pain. Both a coworkers wife and my grandma have had this done with varying success.

Just horrible on all levels. This is an absolute nightmare.

I made dis.

for fucks sake. I can't believe this is still such an issue. I breastfed for 12 weeks in front of friends, family and in public. No one saw much of anything. In fact there's a picture I'm tagged in on FB where she is Bfing and you can't tell (go ahead try and spot it). Quit clutching pearls and mind your damn

Lieutenant governor. She said this when asked about gay marriage "This is a slippery slope in addition to that — at what point are we going to okay marrying inanimate objects? Can I marry this table, or this — you know, clock? Can we marry dogs? This is ridiculous. "

fuck yes WISCONSIN. So proud. Also that * is why I love you. Add Rebecca Kleefish to that too.

A group of us were at my then BF's townhouse that he shared with a roommate. He had friends from college visiting, including his best friend Chase. Chase brought over a girl who obviously had a crush on him and was a few years younger (read: not as experienced). The party was winding down and a few us retreated to my

Now playing

For us this was a no brainer. We're both HUGE loudon wainwright iii fans.

One more reason I won't eat american "cheese". I prefer my cheese to be non plastic and without metal.

can we do a kids of GT react to food article at some point?

Getting pregnant in Accutane is no joke. 10 years ago in high school my boyfriend went on it and he had sign something that we were using two forms of birth control. The little punch out backings of the pills had a pregnant lady with the big no sign over it. That shit will fuck you up, I can't imagine what it would do

brb gonna go smoke a bunch of weed in hopes I don't dream tonight. thanks.


where's my credit? I gave you that fat Elvis boner! Which reminds me when shall I be expecting you guys in Wisconsin? Of course you'll have to check it out in person.