Li'l King Trashmouth

“I personally have a problem with the use of ‘they’ as it is so linked with a plural to me.”


I guess the human equivalent would be for us to eat chimpanzees or orangutans, but please take a moment to imagine sitting down to dinner where a whole golden, roasted chimp lies on a platter before you.”

Humans do in fact sometimes eat chimps, gorillas, and other primates.

I’m not going to spoil it here but just reading the descriptions made me cringe as hard as any of the bullshit we’ve been submitted to this year.

A climactic encounter with another prominent Republican pushes further while still going more or less where the audience might expect, toward an incident that would constitute a front-page embarrassment five or 10 years ago.

I was an 80s teenage girl and I’ve still never seen Dirty Dancing. But then I’m the weirdo who dragged all my Footloose loving friends to Buckaroo Banzai.

They weren’t a last gasp, though, they were a re-invigoration. If you liked any guitar rock of the ‘80s, ‘90s, or ‘00s, it was most definitely influenced by EVH. Go listen to some of the guitar players who are mourning him - there are guitar sounds on that first VH album that nobody had ever heard, including other

Any time I support an American company, I am in turn supporting a regime that denies climate change, supports capital punishment, and allows its citizens to die en masse to a preventable disease.

Hey, don’t all hate on me now, I just wanna say that I can understand the feelings behind wishing pain and death on Trump. And I hate his politics and all he stands for too! But please remember that letting these kind of feelings get too much room in your life actually will hurt yourself in the end.

Believe me, I

Harry Connick Jr., who you knew was Dead Meat from the get-go.

Dinklage is Puck, right?

Kevin Conroy. No exceptions.

Boy howdy, I’ve tried getting into HAIM, but I just find it so boring. I’ll stick to Corey.

And so we begin the introduction of Billy and Tommy, Wanda and Vision’s children by way of Chaos Magic, Demon Soul Shards, and good old fashioned reincarnation.

Now I has a sad remembering that we will probably never get more Buckaroo Banzai because people are STILL arguing the rights. 

He will probably be Rex, and be in the same Episode with Ahsoka...... That makes the most sense to me.

Unfortunately the bikes you’ll find at estate sales won’t be anything you’d want, unless you like chrome, tassels, and oil all over your garage floor. 

“You know me. You know my heart. You know my story,” Biden said. “Ask yourself: Do I look like a radical socialist with a soft spot for rioters? Really?”

It is gloriously apropos that a movie featuring Illyana Rasputin has been stuck in Limbo for years.

A tall friend of mine, fed up with all the “how’s the weather up there?” comments would reply “raining” and spit on them.