Li'l King Trashmouth

Seriously, take me back to the halcyon days of the 80s and 90s, when television shows and movies were definitely not engineered solely to sell toys.

I seem to remember a cool little network of blogs that was struggling for years to find a devoted userbase and dozens of talented writers until a kindly old group of billionaires stepped in to help them out. And that little network of blogs, whom nobody liked, grew up to be... sold off piece by piece until maybe one

Pretty sure dudes have been fighting over Diane Lane since The Fabulous Stains.

Is she a natural treasure? Perhaps.

hell of a lot easier explaination than her comic origin. 

The proper response to people who are butthurt about something like this being “woke” is “shut the fuck up”.

I’ve been playing 40K since 1996.

NIAGARA FALLS! Slowly I turned, and step by step, inch by inch, I walked up to him, I smashed him, I hit him, I bonked him, I bopped him, I socked him and I mashed his face and I knocked him down...

You know, it’s worth remembering there ARE Jewish Palestinians. And a lot of Christians. And large swaths of Israel’s government are open anti-semites who are politically adjacent to any number of right-wing European hypernationalist movements. Viewing this as a religious conflict is just window dressing for a

The republican party went fully demented the moment a black man was elected president, and they’ve been punishing the country and its citizens ever since.

Says the guy too scared to say fuck on the Internet and who’s username indicates he fucks himself with his cars gearshift

i pay for netflix and i may still torrent it.

They’re too busy turning the color of an avocado when he drives down their street in his El Dorado.

But did anyone call him an asshole?


The best apology for Family Guy would be a Seth MacFarlane cartoon that’s actually funny. (In other words, American Dad.)

That Bananarama’s deep cut.

Some actors are talking all over your close-up. But Robert? Robert de Niro’s waiting.