Li'l King Trashmouth

They’re voting against the Dems regardless.

He is, at the very least, into *human* women.

Dave Chapelle is not “fighting” for me and equality is not a zero-sum game.

Oh, this is probably it.


I’m gonna torrent it, so at least I know I’ll be getting my money’s worth either way.

Yeah, it was the kid’s father who died from suicide.

Bill Pullman’s still alive. No one will know the difference.

And up until Crisis on Infinite Earths, he needed a machine to do it, the Cosmic Treadmill.

Good. That song was fuckin’ trash.

Get off the cross, we need the wood.

Man, we fought a whole-ass war almost 300 years ago to not have to care about these dickheads.

...or “Deadly Friend” for that matter.

I get what you’re saying, but it’s not like the crew members have been sitting around twiddling their thumbs since whenever the last season of Westworld was filmed. They’ve been working and they’ll keep working.

I’ve heard it’s a terrible strain on their wrists.

That sounds like something that someone with the boorish manners of a Yalie would say.

I keep braised pork drippings around for the occasion.

...once again proving that some people will do anything besides learn to shop for groceries and cook.

TIL he was barely out of his teens when he made Rock N Roll High School. Eaglebauer always gave off the “25-year-old who still hangs around the school” vibes.

Funnily enough, I can always count on someone trying to sing “Possum Kingdom” every time I go out to karaoke. Sometimes it’s even me.