Li'l King Trashmouth

He means diversity in opinion about the most important issues of the day. While most African Americans would probably say institutional racism and police brutality are key issues, you don’t have the same solidarity with Latinos. Central Americans might be more concerned about refugees, while Mexican Americans more

I may be just an ordinary orc, but I wasn’t at all surprised when the Dark Lord Sauron became the leader of Mordor. A lot of my smart, liberal friends, though, reacted as if Middle-earth was coming to an end. Dwarves in the barroom of the Prancing Pony said it was the pride of the High Elves. Ravens twittering under

This whole article wreaks of Elven privilege. While the elite and utterly safe elves enjoy their near eternal lives, and their enormous wealth, no doubt built on the backs of oppressed humans, orcs, dwarves, halflings, and all the intersectional variants thereof, the rest of the realm completely ignores the massive

For what it’s worth, the first responses google returned had Rourke weighing 169 (guessing this number was before or well after The Wrestler), Depp at 172 (assuming this is mostly rings and bracelets), and Musk at 205. I have no idea what value any of these numbers bring to the bookmakers, but it was either this or

Because resources are not infinite, I'd rather they work on something that has a snowball's chance in hell of being good, and studio execs seem pretty dumb and encouraging them to continue doing dumb things discourages them from doing smart things.

I remind people that NPR ‘Morning Edition’ gets a consistent 12x the listeners as Faux News gets viewers on its best day. Cable news show ratings is a contest for world’s tallest midget.

Hey, DC Comics! I got a secret to tell you. Lean in real close. I’ll whisper it in your ear.

That Buffy show should never have coined the term technopagan. This is where it got us.

I would feed your the wolverines.

Kevin Michael Richardson will inherit the earth.

It sounds unpleasant, but I could really use the $15000.

This response was poetry:

“Things like an alcoholic superhero, society rejecting its saviors, a centuries-long story of gods on Earth, these are all themes and stories Marvel and DC would arrive at eventually, but needed to build up to.”