Li'l King Trashmouth

Deep cut: it’s not Han at all, it’s Thracken Sal-Solo!

I too would fall over myself to vote for The Onion’s Joe Biden.

Nothing is free? I have a whole spindle of old AOL CDs that says otherwise.

Are all these young liberals aware that he already gave it a shot in 88?

Jesus christ, how many times does this guy have to get rejected by his own party before he realizes he’s not going to be president?

As a white person married to a black person, I let her speak on these matters and uncle Tom is the kindest name she has for him.

There used to be this strawberry farmer across from Disneyland. For years he’d get offers to sell his land and he’d never do it, no matter how much they offered or how much pressure they’d put on him. Eventually he died, and his survivors mourned him all the way to the bank. I always figured Chris Tolkien would have

Yeah I totally agree, the show is funnier when Larry isn’t the biggest asshole. The last few seasons have definitely veered too much into “jerk-ass Homer” territory for my liking.

Attention ANTIFA: all the Nazis will be in caffeine withdrawl on Monday morning. Ambush them at the entrance to the nearest coffee shop, before they can get in and replenish their blood caffeine levels.

You don’t apologize for credit. You apologize because it’s the right thing to do. The oft-quoted “you don’t get a cookie for meeting the bare minimum standard of decent behavior” seems apropos here.

This is how you know someone is butthurt.

why do people want it to be funny? DC comics are anything but funny.

Absolutely. But those Warner Execs spend a lot of time patting themselves on the back for how shitty their meddling turns out.

If you’ve watched BvS and SS, you’d know damn well that Warner will perform intense damage control to fix what they consider an ailing project.

If not for Warner Executives getting involved, just imagine how much worse Superman: Doomsday and pre-GotG SS would have been.

The Mouse knows how to handle its business a lot better than THE WABBIT.

Lucasfilm has a very strong idea of what a Star Wars movie should be, and will perform intense damage control to fix what they consider an ailing project. Warners, not so much with the DC movies.

Well, aren’t you a samurai of semantics.

Democracy is rigged through gerrymandering & voter suppression & people generally being morons in regards to fake news. However, Bernie Sanders lost the primary because 4 million more people voted for Hillary Clinton because they didn’t trust a skeezy old white dude who wouldn’t release his tax returns and panders to

Sadly I shed one tear and pore a 40 for that geo metro.

I was talking about the human body reconstruction.