Li'l King Trashmouth

In an increasing number of hands, “playing devil’s advocate” simply equals “I’m not racist, but...” or “I hate to be that guy...” or “as a straight white male, my view is...”

You posts need, “A man has spoken!” at the end of them for maximum effect. I mean in case anyone misses it.

“...should of...”

Should have.

And let’s do be brutally honest - TFA was absolutely full of gaping plot holes to begin with.

I like this show for two reasons:

They just seem genetically predisposed for savagery and destruction.

When you get whites together in groups you see the thug element. It’s in their nature. It’s rare you can get large groups of whites together without some sort of violence. When you throw in this country “music” which promotes drinking and glorifies white thugary you have what you have on Sunday.

Plus, Gandhi was a racist asshole, too.

I’d much rather see a Martian Manhunter movie.

i used to be into lynda carter.

Elvira can work into anything.

My dad was the manager of the local Playboy club in the 1980s. There are many pictures from my childhood where my brothers and I are wearing shirts with a big bunny on the front. We had all the swag and it was in children’s sizes. And the balloons with the bunny logo were the best, extremely durable. I had 2 or 3

See, and the death of print journalism means that your own great nephews won’t be able to do the same cool thing.

If we ever meet Original Beth, she should be voiced by Lecy Goranson.

Overall, I’m a fan of Leah Remini. I think her acting ability is somewhat limited - all of her characters are a sassy, tough broad from Brooklyn, which is kinda what she is in real life - WHICH IS GREAT and I love that trope - but she seems to be a kinda 1 trick pony. I’d love to have her try more roles to see if she

Macross is timeless and forever. :-)


“I love America more than any other country in this world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.”

Well I did mean it more in the spirit of tongue in cheek than actual reality. Glad you could see the humor.

Ya know, Rocket Boy would be much more demeaning. Also, Jets to Brazil’s “Rocket Boy” is one of the most depressing songs. I’m afraid if anyone says, “Jets to Brazil” to D.T. he’ll threaten to send J.T.B. in his next speech/rally/tweet.

I think there is a certain personality type of fairly intelligent and perceptive person who goes through a phase in their life lasting maybe a decade, from about age 15 to age 25 or so, in which they realize that many people and many institutions of society are hypocritical and corrupt. But instead of continuing a