Li'l King Trashmouth

Liking big anime tiddies is practially mainstream at this point.

Never bet on a teenager making a rational decision.

Taylor Swift barely has an ass, let alone a butthole.

Yep. My email is firstinitial(dot)lastname@gmail and I get a lot of stuff addressed to firstinitiallastname@gmail. Fuck, I even got a few months of free Netflix out of it last year. I just have to keep dumping a lot of stuff to my spam folder.

Fuckin’ weirdo.

Generally speaking, breading is dry and batter is wet.

You invented tapas! Good job!

Yes, but since Oxford was all-male at the time, sororities were... complicated, to say the least.

Usually, when I just get a (free) shift drink, I’m not tipping. If I’m off early (or working somewhere that’s cool with employees drinking after hours), I tip on what I pay for.

I’ve worked at a couple of places that tipped the kitchen, but it was at the server’s/bartender’s discretion, and usually only when they made an above-average amount of money that night. Shit, I worked at one place where one of the bartenders stopped tipping us out after they installed a glass washer under the bar

The place I’m working at now gives us 2 free beers (no liquor) per shift, but we might be about to lose that because one of my co-workers is a complete and total dipshit. But most places I’ve worked give you one, plus a pretty decent discount. If I’m just having my shifty, I don’t tip, but if I’m having extra I do.

The first 10 minutes of it, probably.

It’s almost 3 and a half hours long, in black & white, and silent. He wouldn’t be able to sit still to watch half of it.

Yeah, because he wants validation from Hollywoo.

Bold of you to assume Dump’s going to leave the White House willingly after another 4 years.


[morrisey] some dogs are gooder than others [/morrisey]

Same. I just need that one scene.

To be pedantic, Top Gun would be Navy propaganda, but I get your point. See also: the first few Transformers movies.

I’m sure it’s just the one scene, but I will be torrenting this on April 11 just for that scene.