Little Debbie

Sure, unless you live in beautiful rent controlled squalor in a Puerto Rican neighborhood and all of your appliances are 40 years old and harvest gold. Oh, and your on again off again texts you at 8:30 am on a Saturday because they’re allegedly blowing coke with Lady, I don’t miss New York, why did you ask?

I’m not saying I agree with it or even would like it myself. I’m just saying, it’s not like it’s crazy compared to how people have lived for thousands of years.

Then you should take the Buzzfeed quiz “What’s Your Spirit Cheese?”

Hooray for couple friends!

I’m going to Australia next month! Which I can’t really afford, but whatever, it’s only money and the tickets are already bought so I can’t let those go to waste. I haven’t been out of the country in like, 7 or 8 years, so I’m really stoked. I am very excited to see koalas. I think my dream vacation would be either

Hi all!

Hi Jezzies! What are you up to tonight? Netflix PSA - Best in Show and the Princess Bride are both streaming now, so that basically sums up my plans for tonight (adding in some time to pump breastmilk, enjoy a couple of glasses of champagne, and chill with my cranky 7 week old baby.)

I like to have fish and salad. I make a salad with baby spinach, grape tomatoes, beetroot, fennel, orange slices and feta that goes very nicely with a piece of grilled fish.

I also can't name a single female writer that inspires me. I can't name a male writer who inspires we either. I am a sentient hunk of cheese that someone plugged directly into the Internet. I am inspired by mold and bacteria.

For the average person splitting with a friend, a public takedown of this sort would be seen as classless and petty. For someone who claims to be devoted to “spirituality” and “mental positivity” doing it to a person with deep mental health struggles, it is self righteous and cruel.

Sorry, but six days ago? People are in such a hurry to digest shit, and using a national platform to drag this friend as a “cuntface” with your side of the story, which we just have to trust, is beyond passive-aggressive.

The following day, after having left the topic amicably alone, she sent my husband vitriolic text. We were both so shocked neither of us spoke to her that day.

I just wrote this above- I am kinda stunned by the warm reception to this article. She completely put her friend on blast for what sounds like a long-simmering issue in their group. All without mentioning what the husband said to make this person lash out the way she did. We are clearly only getting a tip of the story

Meh, the text sent to her husband was beyond shitty, but I feel like throwing any shade in this situation isn’t fair because we don’t know what the husband and friend fought about initially. It sounds like things have been simmering for a long time for this lady to walk away from her closest friend. And the way the

I can’t remember the last time I read such a holier-than-thou post.

Hate to break it to you, but you’re both shitty friends. This article is nothing more than revenge trying to disguise itself as a ‘thoughtful meditation’ on the end of the friendship. As you said, there’s a part of you (I’d suspect a large part) that is upset that you were the dumpee. So you took to the internet to

Same, most likely. This story is frustratingly vague, but if this happened with me and a long-term friend there would definitely be more back and forth before I ended it, even if that exchange was me unloading about how inappropriate and hurtful that text was. I think the spiritual good feelings stuff is bullshit and

A friend of mine has a later turbo model - pretty car (MB has had at least one true hardtop model in continuous production since 1961) , and the turbo makes a big difference. Here it is hanging out with the fintail:

You’d have been mauled before you finished the word “helium.” By us, not the bears.

Is there anything greater than watching huge bears walking on their hind legs? I submit to you that there is not.