Little Debbie

At first I misread “Dantian hellscape” as “Dentian hellscape.” Which also works.

“ ... or a banana ...”

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Yeah, that was kitschy crap. Here’s a proper Bowie medley.

Yeah — I wasn't thinking too good when I wrote that. /:

But I’m still basking in the glow of my extra hour, and the next lost hour is a year away. That’s too far in the future for me to care. We could all be dead by then, or living in domed cities on Mars. And since the Martian day is around 24 hours and 39 minutes, on Mars we’d get almost an extra hour of sleep every day!

This clip reminds me of why I don’t watch SNL. It’s great to see Larry David, but the writing here isn’t even political satire — it’s just high-schoolish and dumb, and it falls flat. So it’s (almost) always been with SNL.

Is this the guy?

Some people apparently had time to take their luggage out ...

My grandfather was a doctor and he had, at one point, a guinea pig guillotine.

Awwww. I hope they went home together and bro-fucked.

“There were fliers all over the airport reminding visitors to not handle dead rodents.”

I dunno, she looks happy to me — & I think I’m a pretty decent reader of cartoon turtles.

Ah yes — font-shaming.

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For the sexiest sex music, I think jazz & blues from the 1920’s is the way to go. This, for example:

And they’re generally less shitty.