lol DRAMA cluuuuuuub
lol DRAMA cluuuuuuub
That’s what usually stops me from fulfilling my life’s ambitions. Put on pants? Pffft.
It’s sprayed on for events. You have to go outside basically naked with a team. It’s like getting a car painted.
It is now. Thank you, Cher-whisperer.
I honestly don’t think it’s a bad idea.... seeing the process behind the coffee roasting is at least a bit intriguing and out of the usual.
Right. If they treated their employees like the dirt their coffee is made out of, i would understand, but over all they seem like a fairly solid and responsible coffee so I can’t hate. I suppose you could comment on them driving smaller local shops away but such is life.
Yah I don’t understand the starbucks hate. They treat their employees good, I like their coffee, what’s the big deal? Plus the neighborhood will probably smell like coffee. All of this seems like a win to me.
I like Starbucks, and this idea doesn't piss me off. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Nothing in that photo looks real. It looks like a screenshot from the world's most disappointing videogame.
Sure, unless you live in beautiful rent controlled squalor in a Puerto Rican neighborhood and all of your appliances are 40 years old and harvest gold. Oh, and your on again off again texts you at 8:30 am on a Saturday because they’re allegedly blowing coke with Lady, I don’t miss New York, why did you ask?
I’m not saying I agree with it or even would like it myself. I’m just saying, it’s not like it’s crazy compared to how people have lived for thousands of years.
Then you should take the Buzzfeed quiz “What’s Your Spirit Cheese?”
Hooray for couple friends!
I’m going to Australia next month! Which I can’t really afford, but whatever, it’s only money and the tickets are already bought so I can’t let those go to waste. I haven’t been out of the country in like, 7 or 8 years, so I’m really stoked. I am very excited to see koalas. I think my dream vacation would be either…
Hi all!
I like to have fish and salad. I make a salad with baby spinach, grape tomatoes, beetroot, fennel, orange slices and feta that goes very nicely with a piece of grilled fish.