Little Debbie

I like this. The cat looks royal, majestic, alittle confused about why this is happening, with that spicy dash of murder eyes. This is an excellent cat.

I once left a mark on my sister’s arm from pinching that lasted two weeks. Didn’t bruise, just skin indentation. My best work.

She might have peed in her owner’s bed. She’s not my cat. These two knuckleheads are.

Biting a stranger is wrong.......

HA! I was watching this last night. On the one hand it’s such a bizarre rendition of Young Americans, on the other hand he’s so into this medley and all the little cheesy dancing, and finally he just stops at the end cuz he’s like “Oooookay, that’s enough!” Delightful through and through.

The Gaga tribute was everything I feared: Messy, off-key, all image and no music, all about her. MEH at best, insulting at worst. Sorry, Bowie. You were a legend and you got an extended Gaga For Intel commercial. You deserved a hell of a lot better.

Kicked out of the strip club for being over the top?

Fun fact: only two of the nine are giant lizards, while the remaining seven are desperately trying to hide their embarrassing former careers as bidet models.

If by a year away you mean 4 months away. Day light savings is “on” for 8 months of the year :)

Now playing

Um, yeah. Yuck. I’ve had camp food on hikes that look better than that.

Its only 20 minutes a day to loose weight, or 1-1:30 hours to gain muscle.
Bro-tip, if you want to loose weight while weight lifting then don’t eat 6-8 hours before hitting the iron.
After you hit about %10-18 percent body fat then stop doing the weight loss as it’ll start to interfere with muscle gain.
You can look

Hey, give him some credit. At least he didn’t shoot the dog.

fuck off, you pervert- I have more perspective than you.

That spring day only makes the turn-back all the sweeter. The hate for that day powers you through until turn-back day.

Then you must also love that magical day when you get to sleep for one hour less. What a wonderful day that is. It’s full of cheerful people and increased productivity.

You know what? NO. As an adult, Xmas presents mostly suck. As an adult, Thanksgiving kind of sucks because you can’t pig out anymore without guilt (and maybe also heartburn and what have you). As an adult Halloween sucks because you don’t get to go get a bag of free candy like you used to, and if you do, it’s the same