It’s not really any of your business.
It’s not really any of your business.
I really do think being able to talk to pharmacist, (even if they end up referring you to doctor), for any side effects or follow up concerns will actually result in more of them being addressed. I’ve never been able get ahold of a doctor over the phone to ask a simple ‘is this normal?’ or ‘do I need to come in for…
I am no follower of Tony Robbins. But I am sure he has inspiring information to share. Likewise the other people on Ted Talks are similarly interesting and informative. Calling them charlatans is a strong statement, especially since you have provided zero evidence of that.
Thats a really popular opinion around here too, and to say otherwise makes you racist apparently (to some).
I’m also very concerned about these two things. Especially how to determine what kind/dose to give. A gazillion years ago in my early 20s I was having migraines and seizure like episodes that doctors couldn’t figure out. Then I went to a new OBGYN and were going through my history. She thought I might be allergic to…
When I was in highschool, one classmate started birth control pills and several months later, got pulmonary embolism. She nearly died. I was taking the same pills for 8 years with only good things to say about them.
So, health check ups are seriously very important. Blood clots do happen on BC pills and it’s better to…
Thanks for the update.
The other day the receptionist at my office (she’s 23) told one of the female attorneys in my office that she got a Chris Brown shirt for Christmas. The attorney says “What’s on it, a woman with two black eyes?” Muahahah.
Tipping Jar must have The Human Fund: Money for People, otherwise it’s fucking casual (you know, outside of being pub casual)...A belated Festivus everybody.
Straight-up despised Seinfeld. Jason carried so much of that show and didn't get enough love. You got to be the short, bald loser. I'd Do you in a New York minute (has that cliché expired?)
Lifehacker is about 45% productivity tips for people who are already plenty productive, 45% feel-good motivation, and 10% genuinely interesting, useful stuff. I’m not sure if you’ve seen many of these videos, but neither of the two I’d already seen are about “empowering yourself,” but are about neuroscience research,…
I am not a litigator and it’s been a long time since law school so I couldn’t remember exactly what the parameters of the marital privilege are, but here’s a very short and sweet summary from Cornell U. Law School on the basics ( this does not account for any peculiarities that may exist under Massachusetts law):
This criticism is hilarious coming from anyone reading Lifehacker.
(though she has allegedly defended her husband in private conversations).
After doing a little Google diggery, it seems that only communications between the spouses are privileged. If you told your spouse something, wrote it to them in a letter, etc, they generally can’t be forced to testify about it. But if one spouse knows something about the conduct of the other, they can be made to…
She was his “business manager” (he should have been managing his own “business” a little better, but I digress) so they can ask for financial documents. For example, they might find something and ask, “Can you tell the court what services [X] performed that warranted a payment of [Y] dollars?” Cosby paid off at least…
There’s no way she was unaware that this has been going on for decades. She has stood by him the entire time. Either she has absolutely no problem with his raping women or he has some serious dirt on her to keep her mouth shut.