I’m talking more about the taste than safety concerns. Most places I’ve lived, the city water tastes so bad, it’s undrinkable from all the chemicals used in the purification process.
I’m talking more about the taste than safety concerns. Most places I’ve lived, the city water tastes so bad, it’s undrinkable from all the chemicals used in the purification process.
Yes. They do. And you have basically admitted you would die if ever you were in a survival situation. You should mention this to your friends and loved ones as that they know who to eat first.
I don’t understand how gerimandering is even legal; at least, it shouldn’t be. I do realize that both parties do it, but that doesn’t make it okay. You end up with those twisted, tangled electoral maps.
This guy isn’t talking about how Flint was run into the ground, though a long time dependence on the auto industry played a huge part. This guy is blaming a state appointed manager for a bad decision and a lack of over site and follow-through by the legislature. An almost completely Republican legislature, that’s due…
Wait, do most people really drink water straight out of the tap without filtering it?
I think that anyone who keeps assistants and staff around that long must be.
I actually never knew that me reclining was actually better for me than not. Very interesting.
Because 15-year-olds shouldn’t have 12 million dollars.
That was enlightning, i have never seen a more complex and may I say outdated electoral process.
And thus the leader of the free world is chosen by a bunch of farmers.
it’s a mediahoax. It’s actually well researched Bernie has more female supporters than male supporters. The truth is, most polls reflect that the majority of Bernie’s millennial support is actually young women. Bernie is even beating out the former First Lady for their support, enjoying a 20 percent lead among women…
The problem is that it wasn’t run like a business. If this was a business the owners would be sued. Too bad Flint residents can’t sue their government that poisoned them.
The communities most effected by the issue are like 99% black. Shit like this does not happen in say...Greenwich, Beverly Hills or on the Upper West Side. I didn’t get it at first either until I realized the demographic. Now...take say 200,000 young black kids who are already screwed because they are black, poor and…
Regarding the first three paragraphs, I apologize, your original comment was confusing and implied that “Flint got water coolers, just like everyone in the rest of the state, so no big deal.” Also, I’d add I’m from Michigan.
Pretty sure it’s is an Ontario standard (if not it is for sure a municipal standard in most, if not all municipalities in Ontario) that if a house is determined to have a lead water service that the home owner has a set amount of time (2-3 weeks) to have the service on the private side replaced or the curb stop/valve…
That’s a wonderful anecdotal piece of information. I’m not sure why Lansing got water coolers. But in FLINT, they got water coolers because they requested them from the State over concerns about FLINT’S water quality.
Who said she is under any obligation to protect any dicks? I’m not here for that straw man.
I know they aren’t listed but both her and Danny Strong (who played Doyle) have publically expressed interest in returning so unless ABC won’t let her I would guess she’ll probably be back.
Disclaimer: This could totally be wishful thinking because Paris is one of my favorite characters to have ever been on TV