
I think this is relevant now, and could have saved you reading this lame article, and the author the time it took him to write it:

Wow, sexist much? .

Er, not quite. They’re acknowledging that there’s not enough black people in Hollywood.

Why the hell would they pay you if you have no passengers in the car?

If you’re able to afford a car, you’re not financially desperate. And if you think you can make the equivalent of minimum wage on Uber (or similar) after covering all your expenses to have that job, you’re an idiot who also probably thinks they can make gobs of money doing porn.

Drivers don’t work for Uber.

The only way Uber knows how to extract larger profits is by squeezing drivers

The whole damn company was built on this concept; I don’t get why it’s now becoming news. If you’re dumb enough to believe the Uber hype, you shouldn’t be able to afford a car.

For Uber drivers to form a union, they’d actually have to work for Uber. They don’t really work for Uber.

Most big cab companies have a mobile debit/credit card machine.

Or maybe realize that you’re getting shafted and spend your energies looking for other work.

She’s not priviledged at all. She has continually spoke out against the classism of Hollywood and consequently has been on their shit list for years.

The really unfortunate thing is that George Clooney was right when he said that tv used to be better, i.e. more inclusive and representative of real people/women back in day.

No, because quite frankly it sounds just like a veiled scam to lend money to people who can least afford to have them.

She’s “skinnier than average” if your standard is Walmart people.

That’s a Cheetos and beer gut, if there ever was one.

And also don’t forget to sleep in your clothes, so you can save time in the morning.

You have a lot of tasks that are non-negotiable, but that doesn’t mean they have the right to fill your day.

Thank you for saying this.

Yes, it’s never you, it’s always other people who don’t tip.

And given their size, they’ll also rip your head off if you piss them off.