
From my experience, I think they do. It gets real tiring to have to repeat over and over again why some people don’t trust Clinton; that’s all.

Calling gay people homos wasn’t considered bigoted in 1995 - at least not in Washington.

I don’t trust her to not go to war Syria, Iran,etc. at the drop of a hat like the Republicans want. I don’t trust her diplomatic skills as SoS.
I don’t trust her because she is not in favor of a transparent government, and will only intensify Obama’s hostile policies towards the real press.
I don’t trust her to give

Or you can just give up and feed your furry overlords, as Donald Duck earned the hard way. They’ll be too full to do too much damage to your house if you feed them well.

Sorry, can’t blame stop and frisk on Bloomberg -

Gee, if only there was an underlying cause to all those things.

I dunno; I rather like the rumors of Bloomberg running instead.

Using selective quotes won’t get you anywhere.

Didn’t Romney already tell Reince Preibus (or whover runs the GOP now) to get bent and leave him alone to count his money?

Federal candidates =/= candidates in primaries, dipshit.

Numbers don’t lie. People still can’t afford insurance that actually covers that the diseases they’re likely to get.

Technically he isn’t lying, so.....

There’s nothing strange about it when you clue into the fact that Hillary paid for that endorsement.

Trust me, you won’t have time to exercise the reproductive rights Hillary will give you because you’ll be too busy starving to death while working multiple jobs and paying for your health insurance and student loans.

First of all, Hillary did NOT “accept” Planned Parenthood endorsement, she paid for it by giving the CEO’s daughter a high profile job. Planned Parenthood has NEVER endorsed any presidential candidate at the primary level.

After 2:30 p.m and you’re on the road, we will arrest you @NYPDChiefofDept says

Thanks for doing that, btw. You are forgetting, though, that facts are rarely important here.

So does that mean that it’s okay (legally and otherwise) to ban people from the internet just because you happen to believe that they’re a troll? GTFO.

Here’s the thing - you can’t make people stop talking on the Internet, especially when we’re talking about name calling. Sorry, but namecalling is not illegal and not harrassment or stalking.

If you’re against the metric system, you have to drink (Republican) moonshine exclusively.