
They were not threatening. They were simply obscene and rude.

Key piece left out:

So she’s capable of cooking on her own, but not capable of checking the weather and planning ahead of time that she needs people to go to the grocery store on a daily basis. Interesting.

Maybe the bigger question is why your disabled mom is surviving solely on take-out food, irrespective of weather.

They’re stickers/decals, and are no different than the hot bags or uniform you get. The driver is still a contractor on paper. You’d know this if you bother to have a conversation with the driver and treat them like a human being instead of a walking pizza.

Delivery drivers are contractors, not employees. If you don’t order any food, they don’t get paid anything. They are not subject to minimum wage laws, and the employer is not responsible legally or contractually to their injuries on the job. They don’t drive a company car, they driver their own car, bear ALL the costs

Great, then feel free to enjoy the complimentary layers of jizz and Windex on your pizza toppings!

The restaurant does not pay for the car’s gas, insurance, upkeep or anything. All of that comes out of the delivery driver’s pocket.

You’re the douchebag for creating demand in dangerous conditions for no damn good reason other than you’re a lazy fuck who doesn’t want to cook your own food.

Will your $20 cover his broken ankle if he slips on the ice? How about if somebody rams into his car?

Did you also imagine that several close family members were murdered, was addicted to coke, and he had a pretty screwed up family life? Because that goes a long way to explain his life/behavior.

Since you’re having trouble understanding the black highlighting, lemme explain with a picture:

The good news is that the water is still poisonous, and you never know when someone may accidentally sorta drown the governor in his bathtub.

The scary part of that statement is that you had to CONVINCE her to pitch the story. Seriously? Fuck 20/20.

Wow, you’re really on a fact-free binge aren’t ya, Mr. Know Nothing.

The best part of your comment is that you seem to sincerely believe that the Republicans aren’t going to raise your taxes just because they say so. It would be downright adorable in any other scenario.

Clearly some of them truly ARE that stupid.

Under the current ACA system, premiums are estimated to increase by at least 25% for pretty much anybody that wants to have insurance to cover the ailments they’re likely to get.

Here’s the federal tax rate brackets for incomes in Canada:

It IS okay to mock Jewish people, just like it’s okay to mock ALL people especially when those people behave like flaming aholes, as Weiner has done on more than one occasion.

you’re basically talking in peanuts compared to (almost) doubling our national debt for healthcare alone