I love how you people eagerly write off people who want to spend money as insane and not doable because nobody has the money fo such crazy things like healthcare or education.
I love how you people eagerly write off people who want to spend money as insane and not doable because nobody has the money fo such crazy things like healthcare or education.
And since I’m such a nice person, I’ll save you a trip and link to the Ontario tax forms directly, to see how much they pay in taxes INSTEAD of paying for private insurance:
Sure it won’t.
Er, what? Under the ACA, a family pays about $10K in healthcare costs (premiums, etc.).
Got one. It doesn’t work very well.
Well duh, he makes more money because he doesn’t need to pay them as much.
Or they could just ask for more money, like the men do, in the first place/
There is a HUGE difference between being fertile/able to conceive and conceiving a healthy kid.
Being a HuffPo guest editor brings attention to nobody except herself. HuffPo is not going to let her plaster the entire site with mental health adverts.
I am not “determined to take everything the wrong way”. I just see no point in continuing this asinine conversation with a person who insists they’re lower middle class, despite all statistical evidence to the contrary, that is not the case.
Just like all rich people, you’re not interested in hearing that your…
Dude, Maryland was always a plague, with or without Martin O’Malley.
Sorry, I don’t engage with Libertarians or Marxists. It’s not my job to fully educate you on how the economy works. I already gave you plenty of links to show you that you’ve made factually wrong statements based on your choice to read a NYer opinion column. This is as far as I am willing to invest in your education.
I’m not angry at all. Unlike Huma, I don’t have to be stuck being Hillary’s bag lady while having a college degree.
What exactly did she concretely do for women, aside from giving hollow speeches about how they should have rights?
1. They were not captured at gunpoint or by means of any force. Their stupid boat had a malfunction.
2. They were not blindfolded or threatened in any way.
My personal favorite response to this is the WSJ article this morning that was trying to make sticking point out of the Geneva Conventions, and how Iran supposedly violated the Geneva Conventions. Never mind that (A) US and Iran are not at war, so there are no POWs and (B) Giving free food, shelter and water to…
Sorry, I don’t get my financial info from op eds written in the NYer, especially if they start off their articles with facts I have already disproved.
If your house costs $250-$350K and you make $100K a year, there is no reason to NOT be able to pay off that mortgage in 10 years of employment, even with kids.
Hour-long commutes? My gawd that must be awful and surely the only ones who have to commute to work. I mean it’s not like people who make major bank in Manhattan still can’t afford to comfortably live there and think it’s pretty good deal to get a house in Westchester instead of a broom closet condo with high…
The best part about this outrage is that when Turkey shot a Russian plane down (killing one pilot in the process) who had also similarly and accidentally veered into Turkish territory, these shitheads were applauding Turkey’s heinous actions as totally fair and not problematic at all.