
Maybe the real question is how can you really trust her when her policy proposals for Wall Street involve piddly things like taxing high frequency traders and enact margin requirements for repos.

Wait, wait, wait that twerp Ronan Farrow still has a show? Didn’t he get cancelled?

I dunno, maybe that intern who did the abuela listicle is busy talking to Eva Longoria to let Hilary guest star on Telenovela (or whatever her show is called now).

The problem with that line of reasoning is that people have no issues with journalists protecting their sources and not reveal anything about who/where/how they were able to score a big get. They have no issue with VICE or Frontline meeting a scret locations with Taliban fighters, psychiatrists who aided in torturing

Escept they wouldn’t have caught him if it wasn’t for Sean Penn and Kate del Castillo. And I’m not even going to mention the fact that the manhunt for him (which included US special ops people) hurt a shitload of civilians by basically carpet-bombig them.

Fair enohg, however that necessarily means that Bill shouldn’t be doing campaign events.

How is that different from the way he normally behaves, though?

Riiiiight, because who needs to know what a war lord has to say about anything. I’m sure you were spouting off the same bullshit when Barbara Walters was interviewing Assad and Saddam and Charles Manson.

Easy there tiger. The CBC, The Guardian and even the German Justice Minister made it pretty clear that 18 men were asylum seekers.

Yeah, but you have to understand that Central American refugees don’t count because they’re not the media darlings that the Syrian refugees are.

That was a while ago. Coffee futures have declined by 25% in last quarter, and are expected to go even lower.


Maybe they didn’t want to be part of it, or had conditions on minimal photoshopping.

Sorry, it’s not whiny and petulant to want to withdraw your money from people who claim to want to ban you from visiting, and who have withdrawn the honors they gave you. It’s fair game both ways.

Cosby’s accusers didn’t keep silent. They didn’t go to the media but they pursued their case through lawyers and testified in depositions. The only reason the public at large knows about them is because the depositions are now no longer sealed under court order.

Maybe you don’t know the dates you were in the hospital because you had a medical condition that prevented you remembering, and were on drugs - as most people who are hospitalized are.

Here’s the thing: they’re being treated differently because Bill’s accusers only remember that they’ve been victimized whenever Bill or Hillary are campaigning for something.The rest of the time they shut up and go on to live their anonymous lives.

So you rationalize that she didn’t know she was raped because she tricked herself into believing she was married to Bill? Wow, you should enter the contoritonist Olympics.

Just what do you mean by “documented”? Claimed by somebody whose spidey sense told them so?

Prolly has to do with the fact that she forgot the date it happened.