
You don’t understand how your initial claim, when shown to you several times to be outright wrong, is a point?

You don’t understand how intentionally misrepresenting something (or simply by your own stupidity and ignorance about a country) just might be pretty intellectually dishonest and not to mention offensive to

He isn’t claiming that they’re lizard people coming to eat our faces

Actually, there have been plenty of people who knew him that have said he rambles on inconsistently about things that make no sense whatsoever and always seemed “off”.

His mental state needs to be evaluated by a professional assigned by the court.

Gimme a break. She’s half Palestinian like I’m the Pope.

He’s going to announce that he’s the one who knocked up Chelsea.

Very few 24 week fetuses can survive outside the womb, even with an incubator.

No, what would be more humane is if they tested it for rabies, etc. instead of just killing it after tranquilizing it. If it had no disease, the humane thing to do would have been to tranquilize and relocate, like they do with bears that wander into towns.

Yeah, the proles are so stupid for not realizing that they shouldn’t be offended by an over-privileged white English woman speaking spanglish to communicate to them just how alike they are. Thank heaven educated and rich Latin American such as yourself can teach them the errors of their ways - and in their own

Most POC poli sci grads can’t afford to work for free for Hilary’s campaign.

Don’t worry, the next one her campaign is putting together is 5 ways Hillary is just like yo Aunt Jemima.

Consider the possibility that the vast majority of Latinos and Hispanics in the US don’t have the priviledged upbringing you enjoyed.

Sorry, but no. Tracy Morgan had a specific context in 30 Rock where the point you’re trying to make worked. The context of Kimmy Schmidt is completely different and the same joke doesn’t work.

To be fair, Chris Rock stopped performing at colleges because he made enough money to stop having to do so.

Thank you for this. If you read Tina’s book (the Bossypants one) she sheepishly admits that she reaaaally is not okay with people who don’t like her jokes and that she used jokes to get back at people who she didn’t like and/or didn’t like her.

The cheaper build quality excuse is nothing more than a sham to get people to pay prices at the regular store. Stuff at regular JCrew stores, for example, is already shit quality anyway, so you might as well buy the outlet version for less than half the cost.

Not saying ambulance chasing should be legal, but how are lawyers legally suppposed to solicit clients? Despite prolific advertising, I doubt that a money-making client actually responds to tv ads and bench ads, so cold-calling and hanging around the court house seem like legit options to get clients.

If you know (or have reasonable suspicion) that somebody is raping people and/or illegally drugging them, aren’t you liable for not reporting that to the police?

Yeah, white people should just be their “pale selves”. God forbid they try to get a tan or curl their hair only to have you accuse them of culturally appropriating “non-whiteness”.

Spoiler: a fetus isn’t a member of the public. It doesn’t have a social security number, doesn’t pay or file any tax forms and is not counted as part of the census.

If I was living in that city/neighborhood, I would be concerned where the robbers and pedos lived, not where people who gave themselves abortions lived.

People who give themselves abortions aren’t a public safety threat. Robbers and pedos are.

So I think my priorities are the very opposite of “skewed”.

Something heavy like a stout - Guinness or whatever else you like best. The point of the beer is that the fermented yeast in the beer tenderizes the meat. Either leave the meat overnight soaking in the beer in the fridge or you can leave it for 3-4 hours the day you’re going to make. (And for heaven’s sake don’t put