Yeah, and then she took it back. Say what you will about the Cheezit, but he’s been decent to all of his ex-wives and all of them willingly married him.
Yeah, and then she took it back. Say what you will about the Cheezit, but he’s been decent to all of his ex-wives and all of them willingly married him.
Or you could just save yourself a lot of mixing grief and just soak your lean meat in beer instead.
I dunno about that. Isn’t the whole point of the investigating army officer to investigate and make recommendations and then have those recommendations be implemented?
He recommended that Bowe not be courtmartialed, yet they ignored his recommendation and did it anyway.
Seems to me that the whole thing is a farce.…
Of course you don’t need an abortion clinic in every county. You don’t need a hospital or ANYTHING really, in every county because obviously 100% of the population has a car, and if they don’t they can afford a 30-45 minute taxi ride to a healthcare facility or to get groceries.
Hey now, Dr. Leo Spaceman was busy with his yuge client list.
I think your fake pearl-clutching opinion on this is mighty convenient.
It’s a convenient dodge to taking responsibility for the abhorrent and outrageous acts of abortion “protesters” - acts which do nothing but make a medical clinic a hostile work environment driven by fear instead of a place of healing.
Hey man, when they repossess your real house, you’ll be glad you bought that Barbie mansion because that’s the only place you’ll be able to afford to live.
No, it’s not disturbing to me that a person would be hesitant to go to an abortion clinic and try to perform their own abortion at home - especially in a place like TN.
Do you conveniently forget that patients seeking abortion services are regularly harassed and medical staff is harassed? Even in places where they…
Yeah, I’m sure it’s routine to leave out the address of the community pedophile and robber, but to disclose the address of the abortion lady. Clearly the abortion lady is a threat to the community, not the guy who committed robberies or the ex-cop who diddled children.
You’re right. The mentally ill should not be supported. They should be thrown in jail, or better yet shot.
Erm, no AP story reports the precise home location of criminals or victims.
Am I supposed to believe that the AP doesn’t obey its own style book?
Police logs aren’t public information. And just because the reporter may have seen the police log does not give him the right to publish every detail that’s in it.
I dunno where he got her address. But from the tone of the article it’s clear that he thinks of the fetus as the patient because there is no mention of how the lady is doing, if she’s in the hospital, etc.
Yeah, it’s in the public interest to know where all the Moooooslims live, but not where the robbers and the pedos of the community live.
And it’s not just that they published her address, but that they do NOT publish the address of other types of “criminals”. See for example the story about this robber. His address isn’t revealed:
The most disturbing thing about the news article is that her address is published in the article.
By all means, please divulge to the whole worlds where she lives so that the abortion nuts can go shoot her.
Carson? Yes, we would all have been off had this man not gone to Yale.
How will this intefere with Festivus? And Chrismukah?
Maybe it would help you to understand that Taylor Swift didn’t invent 1989 and that nobody in their right mind even associates 1989 with her or her “brand”.
You’re saying that a $100K car now will cost less than HALF that price in 2 years? And you’re accusing me of eating paint chips? GTFO. Elon Musk is not that stupid, champ.