
You don’t see a problem with requiring people to buy a $100K car? Seriously?

You don’t sound “sad to admit” anything. It’s pretty pathetic that you choose to shit on someone just because you can’t think of anything else to blog about.

It doesn’t take more than a day to convert to Islam. You basically go in, say you want to be Muslim and in like 3 hours tops you’re done.

They’re not anywhere near as strict as the Jews, who make you study, take several tests administered by rabbis, etc. until they officially declare you converted.

A far likelier explanation for the under-performance is that working together in a dudebro culture is always difficult, if not impossible at first. A huge chunk of these guys are Southern frat hicks who don’t know how to behave like civilized people.

No, the old dynamic didn’t work.

If the army can’t cough up a shittier reason to recruit and maintain soldiers other than “your buddy joined/died, so you if you really love him so should you” then the top brass need to go back to the drawing board. It’s this shit strategy that was/is the cause of suicides, PTSD and

No company/organization truly gives a shit about what its employees think.

But since the members of the military “represent” the American public overseas, the American public should have an interest in what they think.

We should care what they think because it directly impacts the “service” they provide.

Yeah, that picture looks like he’s on a movie set coming out of the makeup trailer with that gown on.

Either way, I don’t see why it’s a big deal that he has a tattoo (or multiple ones, maybe). When he starts looking like Justin Bieber with the ink, then I guess we can question his sanity.

First of all, if you didn’t click, the making out was bad and you still slept with him, it was mean of you to lead him on that way.
Second of all, I think it’s really snobby and arrogant to say that you don’t want to teach somebody how to make out with you just because you’re 31. Seriously, get over yourself and your

I love this bullshit about how minorities have special needs that nobody could possibly understand unless they’re a minority.

The biggest challenge facing minorties is the same challenge facing a huge portion of white people: they’re all fucking poor, and therefore can’t afford to pay for things like education,

It’s not patronizing to claim that minorities are stupid voters because they ARE stupid voters. In the areas where they are predominant, such as the South-West, they elect nothing but idiotic Republicans.

I hardly think that I’m the only one who interpreted the cancer as punishment from the universe. And Samantha did change as a result of the cancer in that she stopped whoring around and comitted to that male model whose name escapes me.

The whole show and movies were incredibly sexist and filled with tired tropes

There are no scientific arguments that they are “dirty” because “dirt” is not a scientific term.

What implicitly labels frozen pizzas as dirty? How about the fact that they have shit ton of preservatives, fake sugar, fake cheese, precious little real vegetables or real meat.

To be fair, it is really hard to feel sorry for people who lead reckless lives and then get sick as a result.

Are we supposed to be surprised that somebody who smokes like a chimney gets lung cancer? Nobody “deserves” HIV or cancer, but when they are intentionally being reckless with their health and doing things that

Not really. Samantha gets punished for whoring around by getting cancer. Nothing that bad ever happens to Blanche.

No, I can’t. Calling for disenfranchised groups to unite and support each other is not a bad thing.

What really needs to change is shitting on people with good intentions and start shitting on people who actually deserve it.

For low income there is government-funded insurance, however that doesn’t cover everything (unless you’re over 65) so at minimum you’re still out the pharmacy prescription fees (min. $14 per medication refill so that’s about $70/month). Those are tax deductible, so it’s not that bad. There are people who get trapped

The news has value in that it teaches kids about the world, and makes news important to them.