
I have kids. I am not living. I’m more like the Walking Dead.

Doesn’t help. But thank you for trying.

Ugh. I moved from San Diego to NC this year and that’s been bad enough Now you’re telling me it’s gonna be colder. G-dammit Trump. Because of you I’m gonna have to freeze my tits off.

So I’m going to the D.C. Protest and I don’t know the etiquette. Should I bring a sign? What should I put on it? Should I bring bail money? How cold is it in DC this time of year?

I’d eat peaches everyday.

Haha! I crack up every time I see testicle alien. And I love that they have normal names.

And he speaks of the Pompitous of love.

I just finished watching Penny Dreadful. I’m behind on The Fall. I have no time for new stuff. And This is Us is something my mother in law probably loves which means I’m going to hate.

I remember reading that when the actress that played his daughter (Tracy Gold?) was suffering from an eating disorder, he would make comments about her weight.

We had to put our dog to sleep.

I’m going.

Where were you in San Diego? There are a ton of Tesla’s there.

I don’t know which is worse that she did this or that she did this to please her husband.

I will definitely keep you in mind.

My father did as well. And the person who has been my father for the past 37 years has been awesome.

Sorry. My bipolar drunk died about 10 years ago due to heart failure.

Even though my father did the same thing, I don’t understand how a dad can just walk away from his kids. The only difference is the Tom is a crazy cultist actor and my father was a bipolar drunk. But both of them made the conscious decision to not be there. I will never get this.

I used to have a Self subscription for years. But then it was too much about fashion and not what used to make it great: the health and wellness articles.  

You know what? You’re right. Plus he’s a better dancer.

I watched Syfy’s new show “Incorporated,” and I beheld our future due to a Trump presidency. It wasn’t good.