Yep. I love the smell of ozone.
Yep. I love the smell of ozone.
Dude. I almost spilled my hot tea over myself when I read this.
How did these people even make it to voting age? Seriously. I thought Evolution took care of the dumb ones.
I concur. That is a cute couple right there.
Does that mean Trump isn’t real? Please, please, please.
Counterpoint: dragons and unicorns.
And it’s like he can’t arrest ALL of us, right?
Right now it’s just despair and angst. Which is why I watch z-nation and IZombie. Sometimes I need a little goofiness in my apocalypse.
Ad revenue is tight. They billed it as a 90 minute show this past Sunday and there were so many ads.
This year my son took the school bus for the very first time. We didn’t have them at their old school. He is in special education with a learning disability, ADHD, and ANXIETY. We told the bus driver all this. Well my boy didn’t realize that the last stop was his school. The bus driver didn’t sweep the bus like she…
We are actually thinking of getting one. Mr. Martha is going to take a class and we have a safe to put it in. I’m beginning to feel like one of those preppers.
What drugs is he on that lets him be so delusional? Because after the day I’m having, I’m thinking a little delusion would be nice.
I keep hoping Obama will be his job coach. Maybe shadow him through his first...two years? Who am I kidding- he says going to need hand holding the entire time.
No just that there seems to be this willful behavior to go against logical thinking lately. Ignorance is bliss for those types of people until it comes crashing down around all our heads.
So the only relationship they had was via my cousins SW figurines that I would play with. I used a Jawa as their baby. I was confused when I was a kid.
I do not understand how people who are successful enough to put their kid in an expensive fancy school can be so stupid. It’s like stupidity is the new black. G-d, no wonder Trump won.
Ok. Maybe it was because I was only 5 (?) when SW came out, but it has never ever occurred to me that they would have been carrying on in real life. I’m actually shocked.
Now now. We just give Trump a .....nope can’t do it. Just threw up in my mouth a little bit.