
Dear Paul Ryan

I told my 11 year old daughter that she needed to become president. She was like “so do I need to fill out a form or something?” Apparently that answer is yes. That’s the only way I can comprehend this.

I told my husband he was going drop dead within the first 100 days because of stress. Has the man never seen the before after photos of presidents? That shit ages you.

I’m allergic to barley, oat, rye and wheat. Fruit of the vine gives me migraines. So vodka it is. God bless the potato.

I don’t know of anyone that tells kids that bullying is the end of the world. That little girl was conintuallu harassed because she looked different. She probably couldn’t see an end to it anywhere.

This is breaking my heart. That poor sweet girl. This is my biggest fear.

I have two kids who I love very much. But like Adele—everyday I think about being childish. The best birthday present I ever got from my husband is when he sent me to London by myself for a week. I met my David Tennant and Catherine Tate and I went where I wanted and when I wanted. I didn’t have to compromise for

OMG. How did you know?

I always hated Dawn. I have no idea why they added her.

I had such a crush on Giles. And Spike when he was on Angel.

Oh look. It is an Indian version of Trump.

Wow. I go and feed my kids and come back to this. I never met her. My husband met her once when he was little. She definitely went her own way. She died a long time ago. Apparently she wrote an autobiography in the 80's and basically said nasty things about her family members. It really upset her older brother

Fun fact: Her character was based on my husbands great Aunt.


So everyone get so upset about Carl but I knew he wasn’t going to lose his arm. Kid already lost an eye. And even though Carl wasn’t annoying the first few seasons; I like him now. He has a much better grasp on the zombie apocalypse than his dad.

Oh and the poor horse that season.

Noah was so sad. And not just because that’s my son’s name.

I feel like they totally crossed the line. Yay great; it’s just like the comics. It was so drawn out with him trying to talk to Maggie. I couldn’t even watch it.

I love Z Nation!! It is a nice contrast to TWD. It doesn’t take itself seriously.