I keep my body fat in case of the zombie apocalypse. I may be slower but if we are all starving I can just wait until all the skinny people die off and then take whatever food they have.
I keep my body fat in case of the zombie apocalypse. I may be slower but if we are all starving I can just wait until all the skinny people die off and then take whatever food they have.
I don’t care. I love Peter O’Toole. Love. Him.
I did mine in 2:30. So there. I'm better than her. Of course I couldn't walk the next two days but that's not the point.
That got starred simply because I am now aroused.
You know, I tried; I really did, to get my husband to bang the babysitter when it was a thing with celebrities. I pointed out to him that it was the fashionable thing to do and we needed to keep up. All I get from him was something like, “blah, blah,blah, wedding vows, blah, blah, too much vodka, blah blah.”
I couldn't get through it. I was uncomfortable and sad for everyone involved. Between this and the transgender bathroom fiasco, I have lost my faith for humanity and worry about my daughter AND my son growing up in such a hateful world.
Ooh I know who they are! But it is not something I should be proud of since it means I watch a lot of Disney channel. I just didn't know they were dating for reals.
I....um....liked the cliffhanger. I mean I really want to know who got whacked in the head? What’s wrong with Maggie? Who are the jousting knight guys? I get why people are upset, but maybe I'm just a shallow shallow person and as long as I'm moderately entertained I'm good.
You know I thought about this yesterday. Really thought about it. And you know what? I didn’t bother me. Then I took it further and thought what about my 11 year old daughter. Would I be comfortable with her going to the bathroom by herself in a public restroom and a transgendered women used the bathroom? Again I…
Our whole family loves this show. We quote it constantly.
You got starred for the Mabel picture.
Plus they have the Bagel an awesome restaurant as well as Kaufman’s Bagels as well as a kosher Subway.
Pretty much sums it up.
That's how I look doing Zumba.
Does it really matter why she shows up though? The kids she's visiting don't care. They are just thrilled that she's there.
Well now I want a drunk Scotsman. Thanks a lot.
I had a forceps delivery with a huge episiotomy that requires several stitches. After about a week, things started to smell a little...funky down there. I kept cleaning myself up but I could smell something rancid. I thought maybe it was just me until the next night my husband asked if the baby had pooped. He was…
I just...can't anymore.
Yes. In fact with children they tend to be more defiant and aggressive because they are trying to maintain control. Zoloft has been our miracle drug for our almost eight year old.