Call me Mrs. Garoppolo

I hope the Yankees enjoyed their little soirée, they were mathematically eliminated by the Orioles the next night. Unfortunately , worst case scenario, the Yankees could return the favor by sweeping the O’s this weekend.

(In the brown?)

Nope, my friend and I were texting that in the first 5 minutes.

Ouch, that smarts. Bastard.

Is this a post from The Onion? It can’t be real.

Clever, but the game was in DC.

But wait, it gets better. The Editor in Chief was on the Dan Patrick show this morning and when pressed said that it was not a literal request, it was more metaphorical. In addition, he said they didn’t want it overturned, and if in the other shoes, OSU wouldn’t concede the game. Strong convictions, you hot take

Entertaining AF.

I’ll just follow your lead. You hear that buzz? That’s the point flying past yins cranium.

He’s a leader!

So it’s a push? Where’s the disincentive for the defense on targeting? How is a grounding call offset by a defense scrambling a guy’s brain?

If that isn't the textbook definition of douchebag, I don't know what is.

Not really, he was outside the tackle box. You think maybe if Cam Newton was in his right mind he could've chucked the ball 15 yards?

had he whined to the refs like Brady or asked for the calls like Peyton would he have gotten the calls?

How can you penalize the Panthers for the ball not getting to the line of scrimmage when the ball didn’t get to the line of scrimmage because of a vicious head shot? Offsetting my ass.

and then they LOST!!! best night ever.

“Two weeks later, Masina and the victim were partying in Utah, when she passed out”.

As someone who suffers from altitude sickness, I know I’d be struggling in Mexico City. A shortage of oxygen the brain impairs everything. He should leave in a hurry, he can't spare the brain cells.

The wheels have come off the cart pitching wise, it makes me concerned that perhaps the starting rotation was overachieving earlier in the season. And the batters had a historical June. Right now, to me, they don't look like a team that would have success in the post season. They can't keep giving up double digit runs