Call me Mrs. Garoppolo

In what, the 15th inning? And he left in Ubaldo. Ubaldo! The new Pedro Strop. That was gut wrenching. 

One less wicked smaht Sox fan.

I think she was going for a jazzy, billy Holiday thing? But yeah, it was a little breathy for a song about war.

I fergied myself a little in my pants when I read that.

Did you choose that photo for it’s high punchability score? Jesus, I want to hit him in the mouth.

Good grief. Draymond Green can manage a technical under any circumstances. He is a truly exceptional.

Davis factored in to the salary consideration the money he will save with he and Gruden sharing a barber.

Why the hell was he pitching at all on 9/30? Dusty Baker should be pimp slapped for that move.

In their defense, Ravens fans are morons. Big, fat, Ford Expedition driving, jort wearing, whiskey tango morons.

O’s dropped the boom on Porcello tonight. What the hell were the odds on Hellickson getting the win?

He hasnt looked like his 2016 self since opening day, far more fallible. But he’s pulled it out somehow all season. Which is still impressive.

Centennial is one of the top ranked public schools in the country in academics. I’m guessing the one in Marin is as well. Is it a coincidence that kids with rosy academic prospects have parents who are shutting down their football participation? Or are the parents in these privileged burbs mostly of the helicopter

Generous? He’s going to get all those douchebags killed in bar fights.

I could only take so much of that single swinging testicle and the heavy bag. Could someone tell me how it ends?

Sadly true.

Buck is the one who left his bipolarly skilled ass in during the 13th of a one game playoff last year. It still hurts.

The radio call for the win. Love those guys.

Mine too, and those foam ear plugs. And he turns his nose up at human food, even beef and fish. Strict cat food and ear wax diet for him.

And again tonight!