Lisasaur got Kinja'd

As a graduate student, I really don't see when I would have the time to go man-hunting. And jeez, if I wanted a husband that badly I would fork over the $120 for eHarmony instead of going 70k into debt. But I guess these are the types of women who let their husbands handle the money so it doesn't really matter?

With Jesus.

Edited to delete the moronic comment I just made (protip: read the article before you comment)

I sat through the entire first presidential debate and then had to miss this one because I was studying for finals. MY LIFE IS LITERALLY THE WORST EVER.

Can someone please spell out this guy's name phonetically?? I can't even wrap my head around how you are supposed to pronounce it.

This is why I am totally on Team Meet the Hutterites. Maybe parts of that show are contrived as well, but it seems a lot more real and everyone in that community seems so awesome. I want to be friends with all of them.

This made me so. mad. Please tell me it's going to be brought up during one of the other debates?!

You know who's looking fine tonight? Seth Mosakowski.

Amen. Smaller classes in grad school make it even harder to get away with...and yet sometimes I just can't control my body. It sucks.

The main thing that freaked me out about this story was the person trying to hide the needle in her waistband. Stabby, much???

I told mine the same thing. I said if there were fireworks, swans, or lots of people was not gonna fly. He done good.

My boyfriend proposed to me on the beach. No piranhas, mega-sharks, or tsunamis. And it worked. These insane proposals make it more about the act than what you are actually doing...which is far more important.

"a younger generation whose passion is not animal rights."

I was devastated when he left, but the new season is still pretty good. Not the same, but especially after the last season finale there's no way I'm going to stop now.

I am sitting in class right now and managed to hold it together during the Ice-T paragraph, but then totally lost my shit at #5. Really hard to pretend like I'm laughing/crying at something my marketing prof just said.

It's not willpower, it's a disease.

Thanks for sharing that link - I thought that was really interesting. Everyone I know loves this song, and I had read the English lyrics a while ago but obviously didn't get the whole connection. That being said, I didn't seen anyone getting judge-y with it because it's foreign, but just because people are probably

I love my two cats like they're my children, and I would still put stuff on their head to freak them out. They're not helpless little flowers, if they don't like something they'll get out of there, and probably scratch the hell out of you in the process.

This was the most pompous piece of trash I've ever read. I bet the floozy and her drunk husband had a hell of a lot better time than that smarmy douche canoe. They most certainly had a better time than his "amazing perfect wonderful wife" because I promise honey, she didn't actually enjoy it.